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She’s got blue eyes! (11a) Презентация составлена учителем английского языка МАОУ СОШ № 36 г. Златоуста Куликовой Татьяной Владимировной

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Presentation on theme: "She’s got blue eyes! (11a) Презентация составлена учителем английского языка МАОУ СОШ № 36 г. Златоуста Куликовой Татьяной Владимировной"— Presentation transcript:

1 She’s got blue eyes! (11a) Презентация составлена учителем английского языка МАОУ СОШ № 36 г. Златоуста Куликовой Татьяной Владимировной

2 Read: [n] – on, in, under, ballerina [e] – shelf, ten, red, seven, yellow [t] – toy, teddy bear, two, ten, two [T] – thank you, thumb, thimble [QI] – five, nine, nice, ice cream, white

3 Look, read and answer: No, it isn’t. No, it isn’t. Yes, it is.


5 I have got a ballerina.

6 I have got a toy soldier.

7 I have got… = I’ve got… I a ballerina. ’ve got have got
I a toy soldier. ’ve got have got - What toy have you got? - I’ve got …

8 I’ve got blue eyes. I’ve got eyes. eyes

9 I’ve got a nose. a nose nose

10 I’ve got a mouth. a mouth mouth

11 I’ve got dark hair. dark hair

12 I’ve got ears. ears

13 Learn the words: to have [hxv] – иметь I have got (I’ve got)… – У меня есть… dark hair ['dRk'heq] – тёмные волосы nose [noVz] – нос eye [QI] – глаз mouth [mQVT] – рот ear [Iq] – ухо

14 Are these ears? These are eyes. Are these eyes?

15 Is this dark hair? Is this a mouth? This is a mouth. Is this a nose?

16 Are these eyes? Are these ears? These are ears.

17 This is a nose. Is this a nose?

18 Is this dark hair? This is dark hair. Is this a mouth?

19 Find: dark hair a nose ears a mouth blue eyes black eyes

20 These are eyes. What are these?

21 What are these? These are ears.

22 This is dark hair. What is this?

23 This is a mouth. What is this?

24 This is a nose. What is this?

25 Источники изображений:
Быкова Н.И. и др. Английский язык 2 класс: учеб. для общеобразоват. организаций с прил. на электрон. носителе. – 3-е изд. – М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение, – 144 с. – (Английский в фокусе).

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