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Confidence Lesson 7 Goal: Improve performance by effectively applying strategies to increase level of confidence.

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1 Confidence Lesson 7 Goal: Improve performance by effectively applying strategies to increase level of confidence

2 Confidence Having true confidence makes a real difference in how you play. But what factors help you to develop confidence?


4 Mohamed Ali Claims his most powerful weapon, that gave him the edge, was his confidence. “It’s lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believe in myself.” -Muhammed Ali

5 What is Confidence? Confidence is Trust.
Trust in your own potential: believe you have greatness inside you and with hard enough work you will bring it out! Trust in your ability to overcome obstacles. Otherwise you will spend too much energy wondering “What if…..” Trust in your training. Believe in your preparation. Trust in your focus. Fear of losing focus, causes you to lose focus. Trust in your teammates. Trust in your choices – eliminate self doubt. Trust in the value of your sport. What’s it mean to you?

6 How Do I Increase My Confidence?
A. PAST SUCCESS Past success if an obvious source of self confidence Reflect on our past successes BUT, all your confidence cannot be based on past success, or it will be very fragile. Harden your confidence so it’s not easily shattered

7 How Do I Increase My Confidence?
B. ACTING CONFIDENTLY ON THE OUTSIDE “To be a great champion you must first believe you are the best. If you’re not, pretend you are.”- Mohamed Ali Avoid bragging- it’s a sign of insecurity and weakness

8 How Do I Increase My Confidence?
C. Improved Physical Fitness Take control of the little voice in your head. Make him/her say positive things. Control your own mind If your body is strong enough to handle the challenge you will be ready for it. D. Positive Self-Talk

Knowing you have worked harder than any other player and couldn’t have pushed yourself more Overlearn the fundamentals, make it automatic If you know you’ve cut corners and slacked off this will lead to self-doubt! You’re the only one who knows if you’re giving 110%. “If you want to feel like a champion, you have to train like a champion” Put it in the bank!!! Train your weaknesses

10 How Do I Increase My Self Confidence
F. Simulation Training Replicating , or simulating in your training some aspect of the competitive situation. Example- Betsy plays tennis very well in practice when it is quiet. Not so well in a noisy match. She could play a CD of loud music to help.

11 Simulation Training You’re only limited by your own imagination
Things to simulate: Crowd noise Bad calls Heat/cold Rain/snow/wind after a big meal Empty stomach Too little warm-up time Without a coach Time of day Against specific strategies from the opponents Coming back from behind Playing with fatigue Without the star player You’re only limited by your own imagination The Indonesian badminton team built special courts with the court on one side of the net nearly a foot taller than the other. This allowed players to simulate playing against taller players.

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