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THE PERSONAL A The personal A o The personal A has no meaning in English. o The personal A is a bookmark… o It is placed before the direct object in.

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3 The personal A o The personal A has no meaning in English. o The personal A is a bookmark… o It is placed before the direct object in the sentence only on one condition: o Only if the D.O. is a living object.

4 What is a Direct Object? The direct object receives the action of the verb. Lets diagram a sentence! John sees the big dog. 1.Subject 2.Adjective 3.Direct Object 4.Article 5.Verb

5 Lets do some more! Maria listens to the radio. I hear the teacher. Juan and Eva watch the baby. SubjectVerb Direct Object Subject Verb Direct Object SubjectVerb Direct Object

6 Lets do even more! Joe gives the book to me. They open the door for us. You play her a song. SubjectVerb Direct Object SubjectVerb Direct Object SubjectVerb Direct Object

7 THE PERSONAL A If the DIRECT OBJECT of a sentence in SPANISH is a PERSON, we have to put the letter a in front of it! If the DIRECT OBJECT of a sentence in SPANISH is a PERSON, we have to put the letter a in front of it! Some examples of a person are: Some examples of a person are: Your dog, Scrappy. Your dog, Scrappy. Your parents Your parents Your girlfriend Your girlfriend The maid The maid Your favorite Spanish teacher Your favorite Spanish teacher

8 But Señor, what about… o But Señor, what about my pet dog? o Yes, use the Personal A o But Señor, what about a random animal? o No, do not use the Personal A o But what about a deceased relative? o Yes, you may use the Personal A o What about somebody that I do not know? oYes, you must use the Personal A.

9 So, do we need a Personal A in these examples? Maria listens to the radio. Juan and Eva watch the baby. I hear the teacher. Maria escucha ____ el radio. Juan y Eva miran ____ el / la bebé. Yo oigo ____ la profesora. X a a

10 Try these on your own! Try these on your own! Pedro invita _____ sus primos. Todos beben _____ refrescos. Las niñas escuchan ______ la cantante (singer) Mamá cuida _____ los animales. Pedro toca ____ la guitarra. Luis lee _____ la revista. Yo veo ____ mi novio. A X A A X X A

11 We eat hamburgers. They read the books. We hear water. Mis padres andan los bicicletas. Mario hace la tarea. Lucia ve su madre. Yo invito ellos a la fiesta. Tú ayudas mi. What is the D.O.?

12 TAREA: Write 3 sentences that all require a PERSONAL A. Write 3 sentences that all require a PERSONAL A. Each sentence must be at least 5 words long. Each sentence must be at least 5 words long. Each sentence needs a UNIQUE verb Each sentence needs a UNIQUE verb And finally, go to! And finally, go to!

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