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Welcome! February 13th, 2018 Tuesday

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1 Welcome! February 13th, 2018 Tuesday
Do Now Get out your weekly Bell Ringer sheet and begin working on Tuesday’s assignment. Once the bell rings, you will have five minutes to guess the meaning of the word. Make sure you explain your thinking! Remember: Do Now's are INDEPENDENT and QUIET exercises. Thank you 

2 Even though she appeared austere, my teacher was a very kind person.
Read the following sentence and guess the meaning of the word austere based on the context. Even though she appeared austere, my teacher was a very kind person. To be austere is to be severe or strict in manner, attitude, or appearance. © Presto Plans

3 Understanding Tone It’s not just what you say, it’s how you say it.

4 What is this? O

5 Right! It can be all those things. It’s also an actual word!
Expressing (according to intonation) surprise, frustration, discomfort, longing, disappointment, sorrow, relief, hesitation, etc. Used mainly in imperative or exclamatory sentences or phrases, as in: “O take me back again!” “O for another glimpse of it!” “O the pity of it!” “O dear!” The Oxford English Dictionary

6 Subtext An underlying and often distinct theme in a piece of writing or conversation

7 Ex. of subtext: At your lunch table today, your buddy has three chocolate cookies. You say, “Are you going to eat all of those?” What’s the subtext here? What are you really asking?

8 A particular quality, pitch, modulation, or inflection of the voice expressing or indicating affirmation, interrogation, hesitation, decision, or some feeling or emotion; vocal expression. The Oxford English Dictionary Tone

9 OK, back to… O

10 First student volunteer, say “O”

11 angry

12 awe

13 suspicious

14 excited

15 sad

16 exhausted

17 lusty

18 contempt

19 afraid

20 Good job! Now stress (or emphasis) is also important in determining tone and meaning.

21 Stress Relative loudness or force of vocal utterance; a greater degree of vocal force characterizing one syllable as compared with other syllables of the word, or one part of a syllable as compared with the rest; stress-accent. Also, superior loudness of voice as a means of emphasizing one or more of the words of a sentence more than the rest. Oxford English Dictionary 

22 Let’s give this a try. Read the line, emphasizing the word in red.
I didn’t say he killed our King.

23 I didn’t say he killed our King.

24 I didn’t say he killed our King.

25 I didn’t say he killed our King.

26 I didn’t say he killed our King.

27 I didn’t say he killed our King.

28 I didn’t say he killed our King.

29 Some lines from Shakespeare
Get ready…more lines are coming around the room.

30 O, how I love thee! How I dote on thee!

31 O, for a stone-bow, to hit him in the eye!

32 O, I am out of breath in this fond chase!

33 O, I am fortune’s fool! (regret)

34 O, speak again, bright angel!

35 O lamentable day! (misery)

36 O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright!

37 O me, O me! My child, my only life.

38 O, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?

39 Our play is done! (relief)

40 CASTING CALL! Act 1, Scene 1 Parts: Barnardo Francisco (small part)
Horatio Marcellus The Ghost (no lines, you just have to look spooky ) Hamlet is meant to be watched, not read. It’s really much easier to understand what’s happening when you can visualize what characters are doing and who’s on the “stage.” So, we’re going to act it out! Things to Know: Stage Directions (words in italics, enter and exit) Stage Freeze (We will need to stop fairly often)

41 Journal Heading Create a Google Doc and share it with my Make the title of the document: Hamlet 1.1 Answer all of the study questions for Act 1, Scene 1 on your handout in the document. Be sure to use complete, thoughtful sentences.

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