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We Are Never Getting Back Together

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Presentation on theme: "We Are Never Getting Back Together"— Presentation transcript:

1 We Are Never Getting Back Together
Taylor Swift

2 The Most EPIC Break Up Letter EVER!
See a friend for the answers we reviewed in class!

3 Construction of the Declaration
Preamble: Introduction and statement of purpose British Wrongs: List of grievances that provide specific examples to show how the king does not meet the rules of government the colonies wanted. Declaration: formal statement announcing the 13 colonies are no longer under the ruling of the British empire.

4 Processing Activity Recreate the Declaration of Independence as a break up letter that a person might send today. Be sure to include the same information the colonists included: a summary of the relationship, the British wrongs, and the declaration of breaking up. Be creative but keep it school appropriate 

5 Example Hey Boo, I’m not sure how to start this letter, but I feel we need to talk. I’ve been thinking about us a lot lately. Things used to be so great. It was like we were MFEO (made for each other). I mean, everyone said it was perfect. I really thought we’d be together forever, but then things changed. I feel like you started taking me for granted. You just started to do whatever you wanted and never asked me about anything or how I felt. I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but I think it’s time we broke up. I mean, it’s just not going to work. I need some time by myself to see what it is like on my own. I’m sorry things didn’t work out, but I do think YOU are the one to blame. Sorry but “us” is over. Sincerely, The American Colonies

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