Welcome to AC Academic Habits

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1 Welcome to AC Academic Habits

2 Contact Information I will respond within 24 hours, unless it is an sent on the weekend. Blog URL: Remind 101: Reminders will be sent out prior to quiz/test dates and before upcoming major project due dates. Text Number: 81010 In Message Box

3 What is AC Academic Habits?
Academic Habits is a reading and study skills class. This year we will really be emphasizing the importance of independent reading. Students will be given opportunities every week to read their independent reading books and will also be given the chance to read a variety of different texts. The purpose of this class is to help students become better readers across every content area.

4 AC Academic Habits What to Know: There is NO outside homework (aside from studying for test/quizzes) assigned in this class. Independent Reading, projects, novel studies, etc. will all be completed in class. Students will be given notice of long-term projects so that they can schedule their time accordingly. Students are expected to maximize their class time in order to meet due dates.

5 AC Academic Habits What to Know: Late Work: Late work is accepted, however, there will be points that are deducted each day that an assignment is late. I try to remind students to utilize their agendas to make sure they are keeping track of assignments that are due. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

6 AC Academic Habits Books: Novel Study: The first novel that we will be reading is Hoot By Carl Hiaasen. Students may purchase their own copy and bring it to class or use one of my class sets. Our tentative start date for the novel is August 27!

7 AC Academic Habits Books: Independent Reading Choice-
This is a novel that the student chooses and utilizes for instructional purpose. My classroom library is available for this purpose. Sustained Silent Reading: SSR will be scheduled for every Friday. Students are required to bring reading material of their choice (book, magazine, something of interest to him/her) to class for this purpose. To accompany this reading time, quick writes might be assigned so that students are continuously practicing good literacy skills.

8 Daily Supplies Needed 2 Composition Notebooks 3 Ring Binder
Independent Reading Book Pens/Pencils Colored Pencils/Markers Post Its Notebook Paper Highlighters Glue Sticks Scissors (For Projects) Index Cards

9 Grading Major Grades (Projects, Tests, End of Unit Performance Tasks)
40% Secondary Grades (Classwork, Strategy Exercises, Quizzes and Presentations) 35% Practice, Preparation and Participation-PPP (Sustained Silent Reading, Quick Writes, Notebook Checks and Independent Reading Logs) 25%

10 Questions ??

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