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The Nervous System.

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1 The Nervous System

2 What is the Nervous System?
System that controls your body and is responsible for communication between all of its parts!

3 Central Nervous System
CNS- brain and spinal cord

4 Peripheral Nervous System
PNS- all nerves outside the brain and spinal cord; connects CNS to rest of body.

5 Neuron Nerve cell Basic unit of the nervous system
Neurons send chemical messages to other neurons (really quickly!)

6 Synapse Neurons don’t touch! Synapse- space between 2 neurons
Messages are transferred by chemicals jumping across the gap

7 Types of Neurons Sensory Neurons – receive sensory info from environment and send it TO brain or spinal cord. Interneurons – receive message from SN in brain and spinal cord, and decide what to do with the message (react? or not?) Motor Neurons – if a reaction is needed, these carry reaction message away from the brain towards muscles.

8 Stimulus Examples * Stimulus – Step on nail * Response – Jerk foot up
Anything that causes a response Examples * Stimulus – Step on nail * Response – Jerk foot up * Stimulus – See bright light * Response – Squint Eyes

9 What is a reflex? Involuntary, automatic responses to stimuli
Controlled by spinal cord! (not brain) Leaving out the brain enables the body to react faster

10 Basic Reflex Arc

11 Your Brain… Has 3 main regions: Cerebrum Cerebellum Brainstem

12 Cerebrum (sa-REE-brum)
Largest portion of brain Controls sensory perception, language, memory, emotions, and learning

13 Cerebellum (sa-rah-BELL-um)
Coordinates movement Controls balance Controls muscle coordination Everyday movements (eat, walk, talk, drink, write) Damage to this area may affect movement or coordination

14 Brainstem (located underneath cerebrum)
Functions: all body processes necessary for survival! Breathing Digestion Heart rate Blood pressure Staying awake and alert

15 The Integumentary System

16 What is the largest organ in your body?
YOUR SKIN! Your skin weighs 10 pounds…the thinnest skin on your body is your eyelids…the thickest is on your heels

17 The Integumentary System consists of:
hair skin nails sweat glands

18 This system is responsible for:
Protecting the underlying tissue Regulating internal body temperature Collecting sensory information from the environment Producing some vitamins Retaining necessary fluids Eliminating some wastes

19 SO WHAT’S IN YOUR SKIN? Quite a lot! YOUR SKIN HAS THREE MAIN LAYERS all with different functions: The epidermis The dermis 3. The subcutaneous tissue

20 The Epidermis Thin outer layer of skin
Top layer consists of layers of dead skin cells! Contains keratin, which makes your skin tough and waterproof Contains melanin, a pigment that gives skin its coloring Melanin also absorbs UV rays from the sun and acts as a natural sunscreen Less Melanin = More likely Skin Cancer

21 The Dermis ALSO contains Blood vessels Muscle fibers Sweat glands
Thick middle layer Composed of collagen and elastin which allows skin to stretch What happens to our elastin fibers as we age? ALSO contains Blood vessels Muscle fibers Sweat glands Hair follicles

22 Subcutaneous Layer Underneath the dermis
Functions as a shock absorber, insulator, and a connector (skin to underlying organs)

23 Structures that Help the Integumentary System
hair Blood vessels Glands Sweat and oil Hair (protects & insulates the body) Nails (filled with Keratin) Oil gland Muscle tissue Sweat glands

24 It is also the reason your house is full of dust
The integumentary system is the reason crime scenes are packed with evidence….Hair! Skin! Fingerprints! It is also the reason your house is full of dust Dust is composed of discarded human skin among other things

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