Solving Systems of Three Equations

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Presentation on theme: "Solving Systems of Three Equations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Solving Systems of Three Equations
Algebra II with Trigonometry Mrs. Stacey

2 Essential Stuff Essential Question Essential Vocabulary
How do you solve systems of three equations? Essential Vocabulary System of Equations Substitution and Elimination

3 Coordinate Plane to 3D The coordinate plane (with the x and y axis) is a two dimensional plane. In other words, it is a flat surface. Coordinate space is made up of the x and y axes and another axis called the z axis.

4 Ordered Triplets Points in coordinate space with x, y, and z coordinates are called ordered triplets. The point (1, 4, 7) means 1 on x axis, 4 along y axis, and 7 in third dimension (z axis).

5 Systems of Three Equations
Solution to a system of three equations is an ordered triplet. We can use substitution or elimination to solve a system of three equations.

6 Homework Homework 3.4: Solving Systems of Three Equations

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