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Periodically kicked rotor:

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Presentation on theme: "Periodically kicked rotor:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Periodically kicked rotor:

2 Ω irrational → quasi-periodic
Circle map Winding Number For the linear map Ω rational → periodic Ω irrational → quasi-periodic

3 W=5/8 2 7 5 4 1 3 6

4 nth order approximation:
Continued Fraction nth order approximation: Approximation of irrational number by rational fractions

5 Golden Ratio Fibonacci series: 1,2,3.5.8….

6 flowers

7 Sunflower

8 Pineapple

9 Human body

10 Quasiperiodicity + ? w2 w1

11 Quasiperiodicity + Torus

12 Quasiperiodic

13 Quasiperiodic

14 Frequency-ratio parameter:
Winding Numbers Frequency-ratio parameter: (Rotation number) number of times the trajectory winds around the small cross- section of the torus after going once around the large circumference.

15 Hopf Bifurcation

16 Landau route to turbulence

17 Ruelle-Taken-Newhouse route to Chaos
Ref: Argyris etl

18 Quasiperiodic route to Chaos
Ref: Argyris etl

19 Ref: Argyris etl



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