The Pharaoh died. A new Pharaoh came to power.

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Presentation on theme: "The Pharaoh died. A new Pharaoh came to power."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Pharaoh died. A new Pharaoh came to power.

2 The Israelites continued to cry out from their slavery

3 God heard their cry. He remembered his promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

4 One day, Moses was taking care of Jethro’s sheep. He was close to Mt
One day, Moses was taking care of Jethro’s sheep. He was close to Mt. Horeb.

5 He saw a flaming bush that wasn’t being burnt up.





10 Moses was afraid to look at God

11 God wants to rescue the Israelites

12 And take them to the land that He promised to Abraham

13 Tell the elders of Israel that God is going to take them away from Egypt

14 God wants Moses to tell Pharaoh that the people must go into the desert to sacrifice to YHWH

15 God says that the Egyptians will be afraid of His power, so much so that they will give treasure to the Israelites

16 Moses is nervous about the whole plan.

17 God has Moses throw down his staff.

18 And it became a snake!

19 Let’s watch a video! (ch 3-4)

20 Moses took his wife and son and headed to Egypt.

21 Moses met with his brother, Aaron.

22 They spoke with the Elders of Israel

23 The Israelites praised God

24 Moses and Aaron visited Pharaoh to ask if Israel could leave

25 He said that Israel cannot leave



28 Pharaoh made their work harder


30 The Israelites struggled greatly.

31 And they were angry with Moses

32 Moses talked to God

33 God’s judgment was coming to Egypt

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