Nantes 03/12/2009 COMPRO final conference How to buy together at a European scale Consips experience.

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1 Nantes 03/12/2009 COMPRO final conference How to buy together at a European scale Consips experience

2 1 Consip is a public stock company, created in 1997 by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), its sole stockholder. Consip has no profit goals and deals with two main fields of action. Management and development of ICT services for the MEF Eprocurement and procurement for Public Administrations Consip SpA More information is available on the website:

3 2 IT services management and development for the MEF (Economy and Court of Audits areas. Consultancy and support projects. Consip Fields of Action

4 3 Implementation of the Program for the Rationalization of Public Spending on Goods and Services using information technology and purchase tools (framework contracts, web-based tenders, the Electronic Marketplace, as well as special projects and on demand consultancies). Consip acts as an awarding administration and contracting authority. Defines, implements and awards tenders on behalf of other Administrations.

5 4 Introducing innovative procurement tools and models aimed at public spending rationalization, enhancing simplification, transparency and competition MEF entitled Consip to carry out the implementation of the Programme Eprocurement for Public Administrations The Programme is part of a bigger government project, the e-Government plan, aiming at implementing the technological innovation and digitalization process within the Italian public administration Financial Act 2000 (law n.488 – Dec. 23, 1999 art. 26) laid down the foundations for the rationalization of public spending on goods and services. National PP Legal Framework

6 5 Process simplification Quality Improve the ratio between cost and quality of the goods and services offered to PA Reduce procurement time simplifying the entire procurement process Public Spending Optimization Guarantee transparency and public communication on tender procedures and awarding criteria, enhancing competition and competitiveness Innovation Develop innovation procurement tools encouraging change management among public officials and suppliers EPROCUREMENT Transparency Public Procurement System Goals

7 6 Consips experience in public service transport vehicles

8 7 BUSES (urban and suburban) published 05/2003 FIGURES ELEMENTS 3 lots 6 models max q.ty 170 Possibility to customize the equipments Transport and delivery, spare parts Guarantee extension maintenance services (Charged services)

9 8 SCHOOL BUSES published 06/2005 FIGURES ELEMENTS 3 lots 6 models max q.ty 130 Possibility to customize the equipments Transport and delivery, spare parts Guarantee extension maintenance services (Charged services)

10 9 SCHOOL BUSES 2nd edition published 04/2007 FIGURES ELEMENTS 3 lots 6 models max q.ty 155 Possibility to customize the equipments Transport and delivery, spare parts Guarantee extension maintenance services (Charged services) Possibility to purchase CNG or LPG fuel vehicles

11 10 Lesson learned Most of participants are fitters, not producers Highly concentrated market Unkown Final use of the vehicles Indefinite demand More than 80% of the purchases have been for diesel fuel vehicles CNG, LPG, electric and Hybrid available in very few models hardly comparable

12 11 The future Deepening of the studies on: Fleet management Car sharing Car pooling Telepresence

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