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seeing content that is inappropriate

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1 seeing content that is inappropriate
KS2 Online Safety You may be aware, Online Safety is an important part of safeguarding children. Many children spend a lot of time online via tablets, mobile phones, games consoles or computers– it can be a great way for them to socialise, learn and have fun. Unfortunately children can face serious risks online including: bullying grooming exploitation seeing content that is inappropriate

2 Minimising risks online
Remember that many games and apps designed for children have a social media element. This means that your child can contact other users(adult or child) who use the same app. (Minecraft is an example.) Be aware that most social media apps, including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are for users aged 13+. Whatsapp is designed for users aged 16+. The reason this is set high is because of the personal information which these applications have access to, including location and camera data. Internet access in school is filtered, but children still need to use the internet with caution, which is why we have online safety rules which we ask you as parents to help us share with the children. In school we teach the children that everything they do on the Internet is recorded and can never be fully deleted. Children need to be aware of their ‘digital footprint’ from a young age and potential future implications for inappropriate use of the Internet.

3 Please make sure that you discuss the online safety rules with your child and return the signed agreement. If you have any online safety concerns, please contact Mr Fernandes or Mrs Borland in school.

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