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Program Level Assessment reported in: WEAVEOnline

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1 Program Level Assessment reported in: WEAVEOnline
3/19/13 Program Level Assessment reported in: WEAVEOnline Fall 2013 — An Overview SMU Office of Assessment & Accreditation

2 WEAVE Components Outcomes/Objectives Measures and Findings Measures
3/19/13 WEAVE Components Outcomes/Objectives Measures and Findings Measures Achievement Target Findings Action Plan Tracking SMU Office of Assessment & Accreditation

3 Outcomes/Objectives Keys to developing Program Level Outcomes
3/19/13 Outcomes/Objectives Keys to developing Program Level Outcomes Answer the questions: what do we want students to know or be able to do once they leave the program? Best practices suggest that programs should have 5-7 outcomes, the majority of which should focus on student learning. Some program level outcomes can focus on the effectiveness of the program itself. For example: The program will recruit at least 5 minority students annually. Program level outcomes should begin with an action verb that is measurable and indicates a level of achievement. Examples of actions verbs include: analyze, evaluate, identify, explain, etc. For example: Students will be able to [action verb] + [program level concept]. SMU Office of Assessment & Accreditation

4 Measures and Findings Measure
3/19/13 Measures and Findings Measure There must be at least one (two is recommended) direct measure(s) for each student learning outcome/objective For non-student learning or additional measures indirect or administrative measures are fine. Describe the process (committee graded exam, embedded questions or essays, portfolio, presentation, jury, critiques, etc.) The same measure can be used to for multiple objective/outcomes. SMU Office of Assessment & Accreditation

5 Measures and Findings Achievement Target
3/19/13 Measures and Findings Achievement Target Define the target level of performance “X% will score Y or better” referring to your rubric or the grading scale used. Please use the SMU Assessment Scale: ABSENT – BEGINNING –DEVELOPING – ACCOMPLISHED – EXEMPLARY SMU Office of Assessment & Accreditation

6 Findings Measures and Findings
3/19/13 Measures and Findings Findings Report the actual results (X% of students scored Y) referring to the achievement target. Indicate Met, Partially Met, or Not Met. SMU Office of Assessment & Accreditation

7 Closing the Loop. Action Plan Tracking:
3/19/13 Action Plan Tracking:  Closing the Loop. SACS expects evidence that we make improvements informed by assessment. For each measure that was “Partially Met” or “Not Met,” add an Action Plan and complete it. SMU Office of Assessment & Accreditation

8 Office of Assessment & Accreditation
3/19/13 Office of Assessment & Accreditation For individual and small group training sessions For individual assistance Currently: SLO’s, STEPS, Rubrics, Report Forms Forthcoming: SMU Assessment & Accreditation SMU Office of Assessment & Accreditation

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