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Legal Protections for Natural Areas

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Presentation on theme: "Legal Protections for Natural Areas"— Presentation transcript:

1 Legal Protections for Natural Areas
Warren G. Lavey and Stephanie R. Lavey University of Illinois

2 Nature and humans need effective laws for protecting natural areas
6 themes

3 1. Laws channel nature

4 UN Climate Summit 2014 Forests: Action Statements and Action Plans
Governments can strengthen implementation and enforcement of legal frameworks for protecting and sustainably managing forests Governments can clarify rights in land tenure systems to improve land security, strengthen community management of natural resources and resolve overlapping forest clearing concessions

5 2. Natural areas serve many purposes

6 3. Laws shape the effectiveness of natural areas
Goal of many laws and policies: Protected areas contribute to sustainable development for humans and nature

7 4. Laws protecting natural areas are developing rapidly worldwide

8 5. Natural areas require adaptive management

9 6. Climate change is a major factor in managing natural areas

10 6. Climate change is a major factor in managing natural areas

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