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Presentation on theme: "LEVITICUS BECOMING HOLY."— Presentation transcript:


2 LEVITICUS - THEMES Legal Ceremonial Text Instructions for Purity 1. Obedience to God 2. Preserve Jewish Identity 3. Preserve Jewish Unity

3 ALL AT Mt SINAI 1-7 Holy worship regulations (sacrifices/offerings)
ONE MONTH LONG 1-7 Holy worship regulations (sacrifices/offerings) 8-10 Priests must be holy to worship 11-15 People must be clean and pure 16 Israel needs atonement 17-26 Holiness code 27 Vows and tithes

4 SIN High-handed “Thus the priest shall make atonement
on your behalf, and you shall be forgiven.” Lev 4:31c “By this Jesus everyone who believes is set free from all those sins from which you could not be freed by the law of Moses.” Acts 13:39 “High handed sins…native or alien… affronts the LORD and shall be cut off from the people.” Num 15:30

Burnt Offering – voluntary, entire animal for God-bull, sheep, goat, dove, pigeon; devotion & atonement (Gen 8:20-Noah) Cereal Offering – voluntary, priest eats some-bread baked, grilled, fried, roasted, cereal; seasoned (oil & frankincense-pleasing odor), unsweetened, unleavened devotion and gratitude (Lev 2) Peace Offering – voluntary, people eat some, right thigh to priest-cattle, sheep, goat; consecrated fellowship meal between 2 parties & God, leftovers burnt Sin Offering – mandatory atonement, unintentional sin (Lev 4), priests eat some; lay hands on bull, killed, sprinkle blood in front of veil & altar horns Guilt Offering – mandatory atonement, priests eat some- ram or silver to make restitution repay debt of sin (reparation); 1/5 of silver to priest

Chemical Reaction Holy wins Unholy loses Nadab & Abihu Lev 10:1-3 Uzzah & Ark 2 Sam 6:7 Aninas & Sapphira Acts 5:1-10 Ritual Impurity Sin +/- Contagious Human realms The closer we get to God, the more pure we must be: high priest in the Temple

7 IMMORAL PURITY Power of Sin is contained and mitigated, but not defeated. Sin Severe cancer Contagious disease Radioactivity

8 PURITY – GOD’S REALM Mixing Realms
All mortal sins are impure - Idolatry and murder Loss of body fluid (life) - Blood or intimacy - Wholeness/Holiness Closer to God † Higher Purity Mixing Realms Crossbreed animals Mixed fiber garments Cross dressing Inappropriate relations Marriage outside faith Kosher laws

9 REGAINING PURITY Purifying Agents Blood – most powerful
Water - mikvah Bath Smoke – incense, sacrifices Fire – highest realm (God) , from purification (sin) offering

Dietary and Food Prep Laws Hebrew word – kasher (proper or pure) Certification of a Rabbinical Organization overseeing production

Certain animals and derivatives are never eaten. Permitted birds and mammals must be killed according to Jewish law. All blood must be drained or broiled out. Certain parts of permitted animals are not eaten. Permitted meats cannot be eaten with dairy. Grape products made by non-Jews forbidden.

12 ANIMAL REALMS Genesis 1 – water, earth, sky Fish Not Kosher (impure)
Mixed realms Death association Carnivores Predators Serpent-like Fish Need fins/scales Not Kosher shellfish/mammals

13 HINGE OF LEVITICUS Day of Atonement Yom Kippur: Chapter 16
Specific date God’s presence/mercy seat Priest purification/garments Sin/burnt offerings – priest & people Wilderness goat (16:21-22) Censor with coals and sweet incense Bull’s blood sprinkled Mercy seat and on sacrifice altar Deny yourself, no work, a Sabbath “For on this day atonement shall be made for you, to cleanse you; from all your sins you shall be clean before the LORD. It is a Sabbath of complete rest to you, and you shall deny yourselves; it is a statue forever.” Lev 16:30-31

14 BOOK OF NUMBERS Two Censuses 1-10 At Sinai (Census, camp design
10-12 To Kadesh (Quail, Mariam/Aaron 13-20 At Kadesh 12 spies, Korah’s rebellion 20-36 To Jordan Moses’s sin, Balaam

15 PRIESTLY BENEDICTION The LORD spoke to Moses, saying: Speak to Aaron
and his sons, saying, Thus you shall bless the Israelites. You shall say to them: “The LORD bless and keep you; The LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; The LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.” Num 6:22-26

16 BOOK OF DEUTERONOMY 2nd Law Moses’s Last Words Heartbeat of OT
Catechism of Torah Quotes 83x in NT -Jesus in desert

17 DEUTERONOMY - OUTLINE 1-4 Moses retells salvation story (to 2nd generation) 5 – Ten commandments repeated 6-28 Law as commentary on ten commandments (6-11 about loving God) (12-28 about relating to others) Blessings & Curses (Lev 26) Renewing the Covenant 31 Moses commissions Joshua 32 Song of Moses 34 Moses’s last blessing & death Cliffhanger God’s command: Leave Sinai and invade the Promised Land!

Ezekial 20:25 – criticizes old covenant law CCC 122 – OT contained matters imperfect and provisional harem warfare divorce Mosaic Covenant placed beside the Ark (31:26)

19 THESIS OF DEURONOMY “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.” Deut 6:4-5 Obey commandments – Blessing! (Land, children, livestock, food, defeat enemies, work, honor, rain, wealth) Disobey commandments – Curse! (Cursed, food, fertility, offspring, livestock, disaster, panic, frustration, destroyed, perish quickly, pestilence cling to you, drought, consumption, fever, inflammation, blight, mildew, enemies will defeat you, object of horror, madness, blindness, confusion of mind, abused, robbed, wife raped, kids stolen, kids eaten, exiled, trembling heart, failing eyes languishing spirit)

Schechim Mt. Gerizim (blessings) Mt. Ebal (curses) Deut 11:29 – Josh 8:30-35

21 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Have you experienced God’s blessings? Have you experienced consequences of sin (curse)? When have you experienced God’s presence? How do we as Catholics get purified?

22 שָׁלוֹם בְּרָכָה וְטוֹבָה Peace, blessing and (all) good (to you).
Shalom berakhah ve-tovah שָׁלוֹם בְּרָכָה וְטוֹבָה Peace, blessing and (all) good (to you).


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