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Finding True Measures for Chaplaincy Outcomes.

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Presentation on theme: "Finding True Measures for Chaplaincy Outcomes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finding True Measures for Chaplaincy Outcomes.
Rev. Kevin Massey, BCC Advocate Health Care

2 Metrics of Chaplaincy Volume
Statistics of visits, sacraments, materials distributed Not a metric of quality Patient Satisfaction Difficult to ascribe differences specifically to the chaplain Not a metric of quality of individual acts

3 What about Health Outcomes?
In general, during a hospitalization, all of the inter-disciplinary team are treating the patient’s primary diagnosis, e.g. Congestive Heart Failure What is the chaplain treating? Does the chaplain’s work contribute to the treatment of the primary diagnosis? What if chaplaincy were focused ONLY on contributing toward the treatment of the primary diagnosis?

4 Treating the Primary Diagnosis
Chaplain contributions toward treating the primary diagnosis: Improving coping Enhancing compliance with treatment “Aligning patient’s care plan with patients values” Kindling of Hope Promoting courage through “meaning making”

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