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Understanding your PSAT/NMSQT® Score Report Plus

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1 Understanding your PSAT/NMSQT® Score Report Plus
I’d like to spend a little time this evening introducing you to the PSAT/NMSQT® and highlighting how it can help you reach your college and career goals. Carmel High School

2 Score Report Plus AP Potential Personalized SAT study plan
Correct answers and explanations AP Potential Personalized SAT study plan Search for colleges Explore majors and careers Learn about scholarship programs Note to presenter: Remind participants that the content on the student score report is also presented in other reports; e.g. My College QuickStart, Student Data File, and SOAS reports.

3 Four Sections 2 1 3 4

4 Section 1: Your Scores Designed to help students quickly understand performance in each of the 3 tested areas – critical reading, math and writing Can find projected SAT score online at Bubbles display student scores for each section Graphical representation of percentiles to help students understand how they scored relative to other test-takers in the same grade. For example, IMA scored higher than 57% of juniors in the country on math.

5 National Merit Scholarship
Juniors Cut scores vary from year to year and will be determined by the top scores on the PSAT Students will be notified in early September

6 Section 2: Your Skills Section 2 is a break down of how you did on each section – critical reading, math and writing by categories. So based on the number of questions you answered correction for each section gives an indication where skills lie in the overall broad categories.

7 Section 3: Your Answers Section 3 provides students with information for each question – the students’ response, the correct response and the level of difficulty for each question. Student can either use the test booklet to look up the answers or go to MyCollege Quickstart – which we’ll discuss in a minute – to see each question specifically. My CollegeQuickstart provides more detailed information about questions and explanations on how to answer each question.

8 Section 4: Next Steps Next Steps gives students information where to go from here: At the bottom of the score report is an Access Code that will provide students with personalized information at My CollegeQuickstart.


10 My AP Potential The shading of the steps icons illustrates level of potential Choosing a major shows students which courses are related to majors. Students can see if their school likely offers a course (based on AP exams given last year) In this new report, students can see their AP Potential for 24 AP Exams, see which AP courses are related to specific majors, and see which AP Courses are likely offered by their school (this is based on exams offered at their school last year). Potential (full shaded steps icon) corresponds to student scores that correlate to a 60% or greater chance of scoring a 3 or better on an AP exam. Some Potential (partial shaded steps icon) corresponds to student scores that correlate to a 40-59% chance of scoring a 3 or better on an AP exam. Potential Not Yet Indicated (steps with no shading) corresponds to student scores that correlate to 39% and below chance of scoring a 3 or better on an AP exam. The ideal scenario is when a student has “Potential” in a course, it matches their major, and it’s offered at their school

11 Resources Log in to your personalized account
Contact your counselor for more information There are free copies of the PSAT/NMSQT Student Guide available [SPEAKER: INSERT RELEVANT INFORMATION ABOUT WHERE STUDENTS CAN GET THE GUIDE AT YOUR SCHOOL]. The Student Guide includes a full-length practice test and additional information on National Merit Scholarships. You can find answers to the practice test questions, additional practice questions and helpful test-taking tips at

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