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The Causes of the Civil War

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Presentation on theme: "The Causes of the Civil War"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Causes of the Civil War
Aim: Explain with reference to: Politics Religion Money


3 Starter Using your knowledge of England at this time, can you think of a reason why there might be a Civil War during the 1640s?

4 Charles I

5 Who was Charles I? Charles the 1st was the son of James 1st.
He became King of England when his Father died. Charles married Henrietta Maria, a Roman Catholic Charles believed that it was God’s will that he was King – you therefore had to do what Charles said, for God meant it to be! “The Devine Right of Kings.”

6 Causes What is the difference between a Short-term and a Long-term cause? Remember: The car example. Long-term is due to wear and tear over a period of time. Short-term is a car crash!

7 Causes Historians often try to explain why events in the past happened. Often they try to organise them into themes, or types of causes. Can you suggest three groups of causes that we have used in previous lessons?

8 Types of Causes: Political – he has been ruling without Parliament
Religious – Religious changes anger many (including Scots) Economic – Charles has been taxing people without Parliament’s permission.

9 Sort into Causes In your groups, sort your cards into: Political,
Religious & Economic Causes.

10 Chronological Order Make sure that you have put the events that you are sorting into order. You should now have the story of political/economic/religious problems in England in the run up to the Civil War Well done!

11 Short/Long In your groups, decide which are the long-term and short-term causes in your sort-cards. Your short-term causes are the events that we will try to explain with the long-term causes. Do you understand?

12 Debate! In a pair or on your own (depending on number of people in group) prepare a short presentation arguing in favour of one of the three causes (political, religious or economic) Make sure you cover all 3 in your group!

13 TELL ME THE STORY! Tell me the story of how the following caused the Civil War: 30 words each Politics Religion Money

14 Presentation: Keep this simple
Say why you think war could be caused by your theme Give evidence of events in England that support this (use the sort-cards!)

15 Presentations Present your presentation to your group.
After your have heard everyone’s presentations, debate in your group – which do you think is the most important cause of the Civil War?

16 What do you think? Decide what you think: Political Religious
Economic. Go and stand in the corner of the room that represents your choice. Tell the person you are stood next to why you are stood there.

17 Video Task As we watch this video, you will be seeing the events as they occurred. Think: What evidence can you find that supports your opinion – which of the three types of causes is most important? Is it possible that all three causes are important?

18 Decision Time! Which of the causes of the Civil War do you think was most important? Consider: Is it possible that more than one of these causes is in fact important? Could it be a combination of all three?

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