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Pharmacodynamics: How do antipsychotic medications work?

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1 Pharmacodynamics: How do antipsychotic medications work?
Sz Consult ECHO April 10, 2018 Sara Dugan, Pharm.D., BCPP, BCPS

2 Objectives To identify common pharmacologic targets of first and second generation antipsychotic medications To describe proposed therapeutic actions of first and second generation antipsychotic medications To compare adverse effect profiles of the first and second generation antipsychotic medications

3 Definition Pharmacodynamics
A branch of pharmacology dealing with the reactions between drugs and living systems - Merriam-Webster dictionary The branch of pharmacology concerned with the action of drugs on the physiology or pathology of the body ;

4 Chlorpromazine Haloperidol Fluphenazine Perphenazine Thioridazine Thiothixene Trifluoperazine Molindone Loxitane Clozapine Olanzapine Quetiapine Risperidone Aripiprazole Asenapine Iloperidone Paliperidone Ziprasidone Brexpiprazole Cariprazine Lurasidone

5 Chlorpromazine Haloperidol Fluphenazine Perphenazine Thioridazine Thiothixene Trifluoperazine Molindone Loxitane Clozapine Olanzapine Quetiapine Risperidone Aripiprazole Asenapine Iloperidone Paliperidone Ziprasidone Brexpiprazole Cariprazine Lurasidone

6 First Generation Antipsychotics (FGA)
Potency Generic Name Chlorpromazine Equivalents Olanzapine 1 mg equivalent oral form defined daily dose High Haloperidol 2 0.8 Fluphenazine 1 Thiothixene 4 3 Trifluoperazine 5 Perphenazine 8 Loxapine 10 Thioridazine 100 30 Low Chlorpromazine

7 Actions of FGAs FGA Therapeutic actions Adverse effect 1 D2
Dopamine (D2) blockade* Adverse effect Dopamine (D2) blockade Movement disorders, prolactin elevation Histamine (H1) receptor blockade Sedation, weight gain Muscarinic (M1) receptor blockade Blurred vision, constipation, dry mouth, urinary retention Noradrenergic (1) receptor blockade Orthostatic hypotension H1 M1 1 FGA D2

8 Actions with DA blockade
3 1 2 4 Dopamine (DA) tract Action Actions with DA blockade 1- Nigrostriatal Regulates movement Extrapyramidal Side Effects 2- Mesolimbic Arousal, memory, motivational behavior, stimulus processing Relief of psychotic symptoms 3- Mesocortical Cognition, communication, response to stress, social function Relief of psychotic symptoms, akathisia 4- Tuberoinfundibular Regulates prolactin release Elevated prolactin levels

9 FGAs: Side Effect Comparison
Medication Sedation EPS Anticholinergic Effects Orthostatic Hypotension Weight gain chlorpromazine HIGH Low thioridazine Mod loxapine perphenazine trifluoperazine thiothixene fluphenazine haloperidol Will vary slightly depending on source.

10 Chlorpromazine Haloperidol Fluphenazine Perphenazine Thioridazine Thiothixene Trifluoperazine Molindone Loxitane Clozapine Olanzapine Quetiapine Risperidone Aripiprazole Asenapine Iloperidone Paliperidone Ziprasidone Brexpiprazole Cariprazine Lurasidone

11 Second Generation Antipsychotics (SGA)
Generic Name Olanzapine Equivalents 1mg oral form defined daily dose Aripiprazole 1.5 Asenapine 2 Brexpiprazole Cariprazine Clozapine 30 Iloperidone Lurasidone 6 Olanzapine 1 Paliperidone 0.6 Quetiapine 40 Risperidone 0.5 Ziprasidone 8 Leucht S, et al. Schiz Bull 2016;42(Suppl1):S90-S94.

12 Second Generation Antipsychotics
Receptor Proposed Activity Dopamine (D2) partial agonism vs. antagonism Relief of psychosis Extrapyramidal effects (EPS) Prolactin elevation Histamine (H1) antagonism Sedation Weight gain Muscarinic (M1) antagonism Blurred vision Constipation Dry mouth Urinary retention Noradrenergic (α1) antagonism Orthostatic hypotension Serotonergic (5HT2A) antagonism Role with EPS? Serotonergic (5HT2C) antagonism Satiety blockade

13 Actions with DA blockade
3 1 2 4 Dopamine (DA) tract Action Actions with DA blockade 1- Nigrostriatal Regulates movement Extrapyramidal Side Effects 2- Mesolimbic Arousal, memory, motivational behavior, stimulus processing Relief of psychotic symptoms 3- Mesocortical Cognition, communication, response to stress, social function Relief of psychotic symptoms, akathisia 4- Tuberoinfundibular Regulates prolactin release Elevated prolactin levels

14 5HT2A Antagonists Blockade of 5HT 2A receptor Dopamine 5HT2A receptor
Dopaminergic neurons Facilitates release of dopamine in nigrostriatal pathway Interactions with other neurons Glutamatergic neurons Reduce activation Diminish signaling of GABA receptors Dopamine 5HT2A receptor Dopaminergic Neuron 5HT2A antagonist

15 Side Effects of SGA Drug Weight Lipids Glucose Movement Disorders
Sedation Anticholinergic Clozapine +++ + ++ Risperidone Olanzapine Quetiapine Ziprasidone Aripiprazole Paliperidone Asenapine Iloperidone Lurasidone Brexpiprazole Cariprazine

16 Tolerability and adherence
Summary Adverse effects Tolerability and adherence Therapeutic effect Antipsychotics work on a variety of neurotransmitters Desired therapeutic effects often have to be balanced with adverse effect profile Individual variability makes it continually challenging

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