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2 Today we will discuss… What is OMNI? Queries What is “Property”?
Acquisitions Scanners Inventory responsibilities by position Property changes and disposals Vehicles JB

3 OMNI The University’s integrated enterprise resource system, OMNI; which stands for Online Management of Networked Information. All reports used by property management are loaded and pulled from OMNI

4 Queries Reports pulled from OMNI
Provide information to maintain and manage inventory Have changed since ONMI 8.9 upgrade

5 Useful Queries FSU_DPT_AM_NOT_INV ---Assets not yet inventoried
FSU_DPT_AM_ASSETS_INV---Assets Inventoried by Dept FSU_DPT_AM_COST_ADJ_ASSETS ---Cost Adjusted Assets FSU_DPT_AM_CURR_ASSETS--- List My department's assets FSU_DPT_AM_OFFSITE_ASSETS---Assets located offsite ER244 FSU_DPT_AM_SUSP_ASSETS---Assets suspended by date/dept FSU_DPT_AM_TRANS_RET_ASSETS---Transfers and Retired by Dept

6 What is a Property Asset?
Assets that are capitalized are tangible personal property of a non-consumable nature which have: A unit acquisition value of $1,000 or more and an expected life of one year or more Hardback-covered bound books valued at $250 or more that are not circulated to students or the general public Hardback-covered bound books that are circulated to students or general public; the value or cost of which is $25 or more Computer software that has a absolute useful life of one year or more, and a unit acquisition value of $1,000 or more per licensed user.

7 Property Acquisitions
All property items acquired by FSU must be capitalized and properly tagged, no matter what type of funding was utilized. This is true even if there was no cost or expenditure by the University. Tangible items obtained as gifts or donations to FSU must be handled by one of the Direct Support Organizations (DSO’s), such as the FSU Foundation, Seminole Boosters, or the FSU Research Foundation. A memorandum should be prepared by the DSO describing the donation and it’s value. Those items that require tagging have a Property Identification Form (PIF) generated along with a bar-code tag, which is sent to the departmental Property Custodian to be completed and returned to P.A.S. No OMNI update can be done until this form is returned with complete information.

8 Scanners Handheld device used for scanning FSU property tags for inventory Has to be checked out and returned to property accounting for downloading after use A user’s guide to these scanners is here: Every item has to be scanned for inventory

9 Department Property Manager
The department Property Manager is the individual designated by the Vice President, Dean or Director who has been assigned the responsibility for authorizing the transfer or disposal of University property. Usually the Budget Manager For contract and/or grant-acquired property, and as long as the contract or grant is active, the Principal Investigator is the Property Manager.

10 Department Property Manager Can do the following:
Signature Authority on Budget Run Asset Management Reports View Purchasing, Accounts Payable, and Depreciation Approve transfer of assets Approve disposal of assets

11 Department Property Custodian
The department Property Custodian is designated by the Vice President, Dean or Director, and has the responsibility for the identification of University property (PIFs) and the maintenance of the department's property records. The assignment of this responsibility does not relieve the Vice President, Dean or Director from accountability for property assigned to his or her area.

12 Property Custodian Does the following:
Person I will contact first with property problems Ensure new assets are tagged Ensure assets are inventoried annually Maintains all property records Fills out and signs PIFs Signs certification forms

13 Department Inventory Taker
The Inventory Taker has been assigned the responsibility for the inventorying of department property. For internal control, this person should not be the Property Custodian or the department Property Manager. In small personnel-limited departments, the Property Custodian may inventory the property; a memo should be included with the final inventory statement explaining the circumstances. Scans assets on an annual basis

14 Purpose of Surplus Property
Provides the University Departments with a transfer service for excess tagged or untagged property items. Provides a common area for Departments to view/test/obtain desired surplus property items through transfer. The University seeks to maximize recycling to Departments in order to stretch the utilization of its investment in property. To dispose of surplus property through sale, donation, or dumping in the most economical and environmentally friendly manner.

15 Property Transfers & Disposals
A Property Change Form (PC 213) is used to account for property transfers between different accounts, locations, or departments. When property becomes obsolete, inefficient or no longer serves a useful function, the Department may request the property be classified as surplus by completing the PC213, Property Change Form. Only Authorized signers from the authorized signer list can transfer property. The form must always be signed on both the transfering and receiving depts before submission to property accounting

16 Property Transfers & Dispositions Surplus Property
Original forms only! Only property that is in working condition, or which has parts that are valuable and could be readily used or re-sold should be classified as surplus. A PC 213 is also used if a Department wants to transfer items from Surplus to their budget. NEW!! Any computer going to surplus must be scrubbed accompanied with the scrub sticker placed on the CPU NEW!! Be sure to use the new PC 213 form with the scrub initials field Bi-Monthly live auctions, open to the public, are held on the even months at the FSU Surplus Warehouse. A Calendar of Sales, directions to the warehouse, and a list of items for sale are available on the Property Surplus Website


18 Dispositions of Property
An Accountability Release Form ( AR 212 ) is used to request authorization from the University’s Property Survey Board for release of responsibility for tagged property items. The AR 212 is also used to document any property items which could not be located during the annual inventory process. Such items are placed in a suspended status (non-active) while efforts to locate the item continue. Items which are lost or stolen or destroyed through fire, storm, or accidental damage also require completion of an AR 212. Such losses should be documented by the FSU Police Department and reports forwarded to Property Services with the case number attached. Forms will not be processed without a case number If an item is lost/stolen off campus, a local police report with case number is required along with the AR-212. In this case a FSU police report is not necessary.

19 Accountability Release Form (AR-212)
Original forms only! There are several different ways that University property can be disposed of, including : Trade-in towards a new asset Cannibalization of parts for existing equipment Missing: Unaccounted for in annual inventory (2-yrs) Stolen Casualty loss / destruction / deployed (abandoned) Transfer out to other agencies or institutions Donation to a non-profit organization Junked / recycled for items of no further use All of these require proper authorized signatures and processing of the AR 212 by Property Services before the asset can be considered retired from University records. All approved items that are junk/recycle must be disposed by Willie Wiggins ( )


21 Inventory Certification Form
Original forms only! Inventory Certification Form: This form is used to document custody of items that have been located, but cannot be scanned during the annual inventory because of location. This form can also be used to item to reinstate a previously suspended item found during the inventory process Will only certify 009 numbers and items off-site items marked indefinite


23 Removal of Property from FSU
May use copies The Equipment Use Form ( ER244 ) is used to request authorization to remove University-owned property from campus Removal of equipment for a period up to 1 year may be approved by the department’s Property Manager or budget account manager. Dates run through July 1st-June 30th only! (NEW) Removal of property in excess of one year must be approved by the appropriate Vice President or Dean. Upon return of the equipment to campus, the Property Custodian must sign a copy of the ER244 in the appropriate area and return to property accounting.

24 Clarification on Fiscal Year
1/1/  12/31/2008 = 1 Calendar year FSU runs on Fiscal years 7/1/  6/30/ = 1 fiscal year Inventory starts over 7/1/20xx and all forms expire for the year and have to be inventoried again for the new fiscal year If an item is checked out 10/15/2008 it still expires 6/30/2009 according to FSU policy. If an item is checked out 6/29/2009 it expires 1 day later on the 6/30/2009


26 VEHICLES Property Services obtains Registrations/Titles for vehicles, boats, trailers, and mobile offices. All documents from a vessel or vehicle must be sent to property accounting. Documents required include: Purchase Order (copy), Receiving Report (copy), Manufacturer’s Certification of Origin/Title (original), Dealer Invoice (copy), an Application for registration/Title (original), and a payment request for the license plate Vehicles may not be driven until properly registered, tagged and insured by the University.

27 AM Resource Page FSU Online Policies & Procedures: OP-D-2-F Property
Property Services Forms Acquisitions: Curtis Vann ; Dispositions: Norm Munyon ; Inventory : Paul McCrory ; Records: Jimmy Ruffin ; Surplus: Anthony Browning ; Manager: Julie Bickford ; Assistant Controller

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