Classroom Merits System

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1 Classroom Merits System

2 Classroom Merits System
Purpose and Aims The classroom merits system was introduced in order to recognise pupils’ positive achievements in all lessons and at all stages across the school. It should recognise those pupils whose attitude and application relate to the final line in our school expectations which states “In order to be all that you can be, work with a positive attitude and to the best of your ability”


4 Classroom Merits System
Five Merit Categories Increased Effort* Improved Behaviour* Excellent Homework Excellent Teamwork / Leadership Faculty Specific * Clarification on use of first two categories on next page.

5 Classroom Merits System
Clarification of Merit Categories Initial feedback it has been indicated that the words “increased” and “improved” in the first two categories suggest use for pupils only who were previously poor and does not allow the pupils who consistently behave or put in outstanding effort; this however was not the intention of these categories. Whilst it is not possible for us to change the names of these categories during this academic session once they have been used, staff are advised to consider pupils for excellent/sustained behaviour or exceptional effort as this is in keeping with the spirit of the category intended.

6 Classroom Merits System
Use of Results and Awards At the end of each term, a count of all merits (and demerits) will be used to establish which pupils will receive awards. Pupils can receive awards at Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum levels across the year. Certificates for Bronze, Silver and Gold will be presented at termly Achievement Assemblies Platinum Awards will be presented at Annual Prizegiving in Summer Term.

7 Example of Results and Awards
In Term 1, the merits/demerits report shows the following: Name Merits Demerits Overall Louise 23 Graeme 18 Kieran 17 2 15 Iain 11 Alan 10 Helen 9 Elaine 1 8 Fiona 5 Jill 3 -1 Barry -3 Duncan 7 -7 Craig 14 -11 T1 Award Bronze If award level is set to 9 (overall) then awards are as follows:

8 Example of Results and Awards
In Term 2, the merits/demerits report shows the following: Name Merits Demerits Overall T1 Award Graeme 21 Bronze Elaine 19 Louise 16 Helen 14 2 12 Fiona 13 1 Iain 9 8 Kieran 11 5 6 Alan Barry 4 Jill 3 Duncan Craig -4 T2 Award Silver Bronze If award level is set to 11 (overall) then awards are as follows:

9 Example of Results and Awards
In Term 3, the merits/demerits report shows the following: Name Merits Demerits Overall T1 Award T2 Award Fiona 23 2 21 Bronze Kieran 19 Helen 16 Silver Elaine 17 1 Iain 15 Duncan 24 9 Alan 3 14 Graeme 13 Louise 10 8 Barry 4 Jill 6 -5 Craig -6 T3 Award Silver Gold Bronze If award level is set to 12 (overall) then awards are as follows:

10 Example of Results and Awards
In Term 4, the merits/demerits report shows the following: Name Merits Demerits Overall T1 Award T2 Award T3 Award Helen 26 1 25 Bronze Silver Gold Kieran 20 Graeme Barry 23 4 19 Louise 18 Duncan 2 17 Jill 3 15 Elaine Fiona 14 13 Iain 9 Alan 5 Craig 7 T4 Award Platinum Gold Bronze Silver If award level is set to 14 (overall) then awards are as follows:

11 Classroom Merits System
As the example shows, the system allows that any pupil can achieve an award in each term regardless of their previous performance. It also allows for students who join the school partway through the year to achieve awards. The cut-off score for awards will change each term as they are of different lengths. It cannot however be decided until numbers of merits/demerits awarded are known as it is a new system. Platinum Awards will include a small gift in addition to the Platinum certificate.

12 “In order to be all that you can be, work with a positive attitude and to the best of your ability”

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