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4 B Concepts of determinism: Hard determinism: philosophical (John Locke - free will is an illusion, man in bedroom illustration), scientific (biological.

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Presentation on theme: "4 B Concepts of determinism: Hard determinism: philosophical (John Locke - free will is an illusion, man in bedroom illustration), scientific (biological."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 B Concepts of determinism: Hard determinism: philosophical (John Locke - free will is an illusion, man in bedroom illustration), scientific (biological determinism - human behaviour is controlled by an individual's genes), psychological (Ivan Pavlov - classical conditioning). Soft determinism: Thomas Hobbes (internal and external causes), A.J. Ayer (caused acts v forced acts).

2 What is meant by determinism?
Determinism means that an uncaused event is impossible. Cause leads to effect, so actions (effect) will have a cause that has come before. This includes the actions of humans. So, humans are not truly free. Our actions are determined by such things as our nature (our genes/ the way we are ‘made’) and nurture (family background and upbringing, past experiences; essentially our environment.

3 Hard determinism Hard determinism – also called incompatibilism, it claims that human behaviour is completely decided by external factors. Hard determinism says that a belief in determinism is opposed to (or incompatible with) a belief in free will. Free-will is an illusion. If anything must happen, then it is forced. If it is forced, it can’t be free. There can also be no moral responsibility. We can’t blame someone if they could not have acted differently. Equally there is no need to praise good deeds either. The people who did them had no choice to do differently. People are different, not better or worse. In this sense there is no ‘sin’ as such. Hard determinism

4 Hard determinism - philosophical
Philosophical determinism

5 Hard determinism – scientific
Scientific determinism

6 Hard determinism - psychological
Psychological determinism

7 Soft determinism Soft determinism – also call compatibilism, claims human behaviour is determined by external factors, but free will still exists. Soft determinism

8 Soft determinism – A.J.Ayer
Soft determinism Ayer

9 Soft determinism – Stace and Hume

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