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Energy Basics.

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1 Energy Basics

2 Relationships Between Matter and Energy
Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass. Energy is the capacity to take action and move matter around. How are energy and matter related? Energy is stored in matter. Energy moves matter. Conservation of Matter The total mass of Earth is constant, because Earth is neither gaining or losing mass. Matter cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be rearranged. Conservation of Energy (First Law of Thermodynamics) Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be transformed from one form into another.

3 Forms of Energy Mechanical Energy Potential Energy Kinetic Energy
The total energy an object has due to its position, movement or both Mechanical Energy Energy that is stored and ready to be used, due to an object’s position or condition. Potential Energy Energy that is released due to an object’s movement or motion Kinetic Energy Examples Examples: - Light/Radiant (wave) - Chemical - Electrostatic - Heat/Thermal (random) - Nuclear - Magnetic - Sound (wave) - Elastic - Gravitational - Electrical - Linear/Rotational Movement

4 Der Lauf der Dinge German Video (circa 1987) “The Way Things Go”
Identify (5) specific energy transformations


6 Energy Transformations
Device Initial Form of Energy Converted Form of Energy chemical electricity heat light nuclear heat

7 Energy Transformation Devices

8 Energy Transformations
19 3 8 16 2 14 11 5 17 20 12 Light bulb 6 7 18 13 15 9

9 2nd Law of Thermodynamics – ‘The Agony of Heat’
No energy is actually lost, but ‘useful’ energy is lost.

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