State Employment Agencies

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Presentation on theme: "State Employment Agencies"— Presentation transcript:

1 State Employment Agencies
Element 20

2 American Job Centers

3 American Job Centers (AJCs)
Veterans Employment Representatives DVOPs LVERs Priority of Service Services include career guidance, assessment, job search, employment trends and wage information Services vary from state to state

4 Services for Job Seekers
Job Boards Employment Referrals Assessments Telephones, Fax, Copy Machines Computer/Internet Access Unemployment Assistance Resume/Interview Help Vocational Guidance Labor Market Information Education/Training Assistance Work Study Opportunities Credentialing and Apprenticeships State/National Job Banks

5 DVOP Specialist Duties
Disabled Veteran Outreach Program Specialists: Facilitation of intensive services to veterans. DVOPs target services to veterans with significant barriers to employment. Conduct outreach to locate veterans.

6 LVER Duties Local Veterans’ Employment Representative:
Conducts outreach to employers on behalf of job seeking veterans. Assists employers with veteran job creation. In conjunction with employers, conducts workshops and job fairs.

7 Additional Benefits Multiple agencies into one location
Convenience for the job seeker, training seeker, and employer Program coordination Partners might include: job services, unemployment insurance, youth programs, vocational education and rehabilitation

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