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Persuasive Strategies

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Presentation on theme: "Persuasive Strategies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Persuasive Strategies

2 What is Rhetoric? Get Started

3 Words to Know Advertisers - Attempt to convince the reader/viewer to agree with them and take an action. 5,000 How many ads do you encounter in a day?

4 Words to Know Target Audience
The group of people to whom you want to appeal

5 HOW?

6 The Rhetorical/Aristotelian Triangle: The Subject

7 Ethos Appeal based on the character, persona, and/or of the speaker. This kind of appeal gives the audience a sense of the author as a competent/fair authority figure. Example: Believe me! I’ve been there before. I’m just like you.

8 Example

9 Pathos Appeal to beliefs/feelings of the audience. An appeal of pathos can move an audience to anger or tears. May attempt to create particular emotions such as fear, envy, patriotism, lust, etc. Example: Your donation might just get this puppy off the street and into a good home.

10 “America's older citizens have rightly been called the "greatest generation." It is morally unacceptable that the people that built this country -- our senior citizens -- should suffer hunger in a land of plenty, which they helped to create.” -from America’s Second Harvest program

11 Logos Appeal to logical reasoning ability of the audience through use of facts, case studies, statistics, experiments, logical reasoning, analogies, anecdotes, authority voices, etc Example: A Snickers bar has 280 calories and 30 grams of sugar. That’s not very healthy.

12 The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge provides a safe refuge for 180 species of migratory birds, serves as a birthing ground for one of the hemisphere's largest caribou herds and has been home to the Gwinch'in people for a thousand generations. Ninety-five percent (95%) of Alaska's North Slope is already available to Big Oil, but these companies want it all.

13 Persuasive Commercials
UNICEF GoldBond Army Strong Direct TV

14 Together look at 4 print ads
Group Work Get with a partner Together look at 4 print ads Answer the questions on handout with as much detail as you can.

15 ideas, facts, or rumors spread on purpose to further a cause or to damage an opposing cause

16 Example: Jeep Commercial
Transference Having a positive emotion and transferring that feeling to a product. Example: Jeep Commercial

17 Celebrity Endorsement
Important people or experts can make your argument seem more convincing.


19 Humor Hyperbole (exaggeration) Sarcasm Irony Verbal Situational
Dramatic Cosmic Sarcasm

20 Plain Folk Testimonial
The speaker presents himself as an Average Joe, a common person who can understand a your concerns.

21 Glittering Generalities
Emotionally appealing words so closely associated with highly-valued ideas/beliefs that they carry conviction without supporting information or reason. A glittering generality has two qualities: vague positive associations

22 Flag-waving Using patriotism or patriotic ideas to sell a product “American owned and American operated!”


24 Using False or bad logic to convince an audience
Logical Fallacy Using False or bad logic to convince an audience False Causality - Reasoning that states the cause of a situation is something which is not really its cause. Slippery Slope Argument

25 Name Calling Propagandists use the name-calling technique to incite fears or arouse positive prejudices with the intent that invoked fear Also called Attack Ad Hominem or attacking the man.

26 There is a new gym in Calhoun
There is a new gym in Calhoun. Determine your target audience and use persuasive strategies to create a flyer that advertises the new gym. With the war in Afganistan, the USA needs soldiers. Determine your target audience and use persuasive strategies to create a flyer that advertises the a branch of the military. You have an idea for a new product and want to advertise it. Determine your target audience and use persuasive strategies to create a flyer that advertises your product. Excellent - 25 Great - 20 Average - 15 Below Average - 10 Engagement BAM! Yeah, Got it! It took me a minute, but now I see… I don't get it! Persuasive Techniques Used 3 persuasive techniques Used 2 persusasive techniques Used 1 persuasive technique Used no persuasive techniques Irrelevant Information The "truth" and only the "truth" OK - a little irrelevant information got it. More stuff I need than stuff I don't or some text I don't understand What was I promoting? Class Time Used Wisely Mostly Used Time Wisely Somewhat used Time Wisely IDK - Can't tell from product.

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