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Read-Around Review-spec

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Presentation on theme: "Read-Around Review-spec"— Presentation transcript:

1 Read-Around Review-spec

2 What is the root that means look or see?

3 the root spec

4 What is the word that describes what you do when you look at something carefully
to make sure there isn’t anything wrong with it?

5 inspect to look carefully in search of flaws

6 What is the word that describes what you show someone when you look up to them?

7 respect to look up to someone; to show honor

8 What is the word that names the glasses that people wear to help them see better?

9 spectacles glasses that help someone to see better

10 What is the word that describes a person who watches something, such as a
pro basketball game?

11 spectator a person who watches something, such as a sporting event

12 What is the word that describes how you are being when you look back at past things and think about the past?

13 retrospective looking back at past things

14 What is the word that describes a way of looking at things from one point of view?

15 perspective one way of looking things

16 What is the word that means looking at something from different points of view, which requires more of an open mind?

17 speculate to watches look and think about something from different points of view

18 What is the word that names what a child would be making out of herself if she threw
a fit in the middle of a crowded mall because she didn’t get her way?

19 spectacle something displayed for the public to see

20 What is the word that describes what a person is practicing when he looks
into his own thoughts and feelings?

21 introspection the act of looking into one’s thoughts and feelings

22 What is the word that describes how a person might look if she is careful and looks all around before doing something?

23 circumspect careful to look at all possibilities before acting; cautious; aware of consequences

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