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Absolutism in Europe Mrs. Reynolds.

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1 Absolutism in Europe Mrs. Reynolds

2 France Richelieu and Mazarin
Louis XIII & Louis XIV came to the throne as boys The gov. was left to trusted church advisors Seemed like the perfect people to trust, these advisors would be responsible for controlling an aristocracy on the brink of revoltion.

3 Cardinal Richelieu “Carry on any enterprise as if all future success depended on it.” “If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang him.”

4 Cardinal Richelieu Took away political/military rights of Huguenots but did allow private worship Appeased the Huguenots, prevented riots. Realized that the aristocracy was the biggest threat and the biggest asset of the monarchy. Threatening b/c they had extended rights to the throne Set up a network of spies to uncover plots Assets b/c they were the ones enforcing the King’s laws.

5 Cardinal Mazarin Using the picture as a primary source…what can you gather about him?

6 Cardinal Mazarin Took control of the gov. when Louis XIV was crowned at age four. Nobles revolted against monarch’s power Mazarin brutally crushed the revolt, people accepted a strong monarchy.

7 Louis XIV, the “Sun King”

8 Louis XIV Comes to power at age 23
Established a strict routine; became the “Sun King.” Royal Court of Versailles allowed him to maintain control Personal household of the King Chief offices of state, thus the King is always watching!!! Subjects come to the King for titles, favors

9 Louis XIV Believed the greatest danger came from nobles who wanted a say in the gov. Removed them from the royal council but invited them to live at court…keeps them busy and out of politics…

10 Versailles

11 Versailles

12 Versailles

13 Louis XIV Lost money due to palaces, maintaining the court, and wars.
Had the services of Jean-Baptiste Colbert Increased France’s wealth through mercantilism Built roads to increase exports Raised tariffs to decrease imports

14 Legacy of Louis XIV Died in 1715 at age 76
No monarch has reigned longer Left the country in debt and surrounded by enemies Succeeded by his great-grandson (five years old)

15 Prussia Frederick William the Great Elector laid the foundation of Prussia. Built an army of 40,000->4th largest Centralized gov. through a bureaucracy

16 Austria Ruled by the Hapsburgs through governors
Lost Germany after the 30YW but gained power in E/SE Europe Took Hungary, Translyvania, Croatia, Slovenia, & the Czech Republic Never had centralized gov.; only held together b/c of loyalty the military felt towards the Hapsburg family.

17 Russia Ivan the Terrible Peter the Great

18 Russia 16th c. Ivan IV became the 1st czar.
Expanded Russia east and crushed the Russian nobles’ power. Known as Ivan the Terrible;killed own son. Romanov dynasty founded in 1613 lasted till 1917.

19 Russia St. Petersburg Peter fought a long war with Sweden to gain access to the Baltic Sea “Window to the West” St. Petersburg remained the capital until 1918

20 Russia Peter the Great became czar in 1689
Absolute monarch who claimed divine right Determined to westernized Russia after a trip to Western Europe. Brought back technology to build a strong army & navy. Peter divided Russia into provinces & required governors to be strict. Demanded Russians learn ettiquette.

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