Lesson Objectives All students will understand Most students will

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Objectives All students will understand Most students will"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Objectives All students will understand Most students will
The range of sources available to a business Most students will Understand the advantages and disadvantages of each Some students will Understand the complexities of choosing the right methods of finance in a range of contexts Progress Arrow

2 Risk Discussion points pg 81

3 Internal sources of finance
Personal savings Retained profit Sale of assets Working capital

4 External sources of finance
Theory Notes External sources of finance Share capital Venture capital Loans Overdraft Leasing Trade credit Collaborative online funding Beauchamps High School

5 Task Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each source of finance Create a table – use pgs to help

6 Task Exam style questions pg 86 – Q2&3

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