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Composition of the Seafloor

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1 Composition of the Seafloor
Types of Sediment


3 Four types of sediments
The ocean floor is composed of basaltic rock that is covered by sediment. Hydrogenous sediments Biogenous sediments Terrigenous sediments Cosmogenous sediments

4 Hydrogenous Sediments
Result from _____________reactions within seawater The reactions cause minerals to come out of solution and form particles that settle on the bottom Sources include the dissolution of submerged ________and ____________, materials coming from new _________ forming at mid-ocean ridges, chemicals dissolved in _____________ vent water and material dissolved in

5 Biogenous Sediments Biogenous sediments originate from _____________
Primarily deepwater sediments The particles come from shell and hard skeletons Majority come from _____________organisms that contain silica (siliceous) or calicum carbonate (calcareous) Over time, biogenous sediments become ______________ and ______________

6 Calcareous ooze

7 Terrigenous Sediments
Terrigenous sediments come from the _________ Result primarily from erosion by water, wind, and ice Deposited primarily on the continental shelves

8 Cosmogenous Sediments
Cosmogenous sediments come from ____________ __________(cosmic dust) May contain microtektites, which are glass particles that form when a large meterorite impacts Earth Cosmogenous sediments are the ____________ abundant of the sediments


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