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U.S. History Big Ideas & Concepts

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1 U.S. History Big Ideas & Concepts

2 Political Development
Themes and Concepts Political Development The US political system has developed around democratic values which aim to ensure people’s rights and voice in government. Republicanism Federalism Rights & Liberties

3 Themes and Concepts Economic Development
The U.S. economy has developed around capitalist values, and has transformed from a nation of independent farmers to an industrial giant. Free Enterprise/ Free Trade Economic Opportunity Labor Systems

4 Social & Cultural Development
Themes and Concepts Social & Cultural Development US society has become increasingly diverse, continually struggling to achieve full inclusion of all citizens. Diversity Inclusion

5 One more Big Idea… Inconsistencies…
…with Republicanism Inconsistencies… Although our country prides itself on its core values, there have been many instances when we have contradicted those values. …With Rights & Liberties …With Inclusion

6 Inconsistency w/ Republicanism:
Concept Definitions Politics Republicanism people have a voice in government Inconsistency w/ Republicanism: when people were denied a voice in government

7 Concept Definitions Federalism Politics Powers are divided between
Federal and State governments Federal Power Recognizing that the country needs unity & coordination, powers are given to a central, federal government Limiting Federal Power Fearing that a strong federal government would rule tyrannically & take away rights or voice of the people, efforts are made to maintain the power of states and to limit the powers of the central, federal government. VS

8 Inconsistency with Rights and Liberties:
Concept Definitions Politics Rights and Liberties people have certain “God-given” rights that the government protects Examples of Rights: “life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness” From the Bill of Rights: freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, property rights, justice/due process. Inconsistency with Rights and Liberties: when people were denied rights

9 Free Enterprise & Free Trade
Concept Definitions Economics Free Enterprise & Free Trade the development of business & trade, including the notion that government should not restrict business and trade activities

10 Concept Definitions Economic Opportunity
Economics Economic Opportunity the expectation that, in America, there are opportunities available to better an individual’s economic situation

11 Concept Definitions Labor Systems identifying who does the work;
Economics Labor Systems identifying who does the work; the various systems of labor used in America

12 Concept Definitions Diversity the variety of people in America
Society & Culture Diversity the variety of people in America

13 Inconsistency with Inclusion:
Concept Definitions Society & Culture Inclusion the notion that every group of people is treated equally and has access to the same opportunities Inconsistency with Inclusion: discrimination; when people were not treated equally or not included equally in society.

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