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The Eight Parts of Speech

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1 The Eight Parts of Speech
English 10

2 Nouns Nouns are words that name persons, places, things, or ideas.
Types of Nouns: Abstract Concrete Proper Common Collective Compound

3 Pronouns Pronouns are words that take the place of a noun or another pronoun. Types of Pronouns: Personal Indefinite Demonstrative Relative Interrogative Reflexive and Intensive

4 Verbs Verbs are words that express an action or a state of being.
Types of Verbs: Action Linking Helping

5 Adjectives Adjectives are modifiers. They give information about the nouns and pronouns they modify. Types of adjectives: Articles (a, an, the) Proper Predicate

6 Adverbs Adverbs modify, or tell more about, verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs by answering when, where, and how questions. (LY) Types of Adverbs: Intensifiers (to what extent or how much)

7 Prepositions Prepositions connect a noun or pronoun to another word in the sentence to form a prepositional phrase. (anywhere a mouse can go)

8 Conjunctions and Interjections
Conjunctions join words or groups of words that are equal in importance. Types of Conjunctions: Coordinating Correlative Subordinating Interjections express mild or strong emotion. (Set off by a comma or exclamation point.)

9 Parts of speech practice
Purple Writing Book: Pages (Handout) Exercise A 1-10 Exercise B 11-20

10 Parts of Speech Task Rotation
You will have minutes to complete the task at each station. Please write on your own paper. Each station will focus on practice with a different part of speech. Each group member will complete their own copy of the task.

11 Station 1: Nouns Page 514 Exercise 1
You should have 25 nouns total. Write the noun only.

12 Station 2: Pronouns Page: 518 Exercise 3
You should have 25 pronouns total. Write the pronoun only.

13 Station 3: adjectives Pages: 519-520 Exercise 4
Write the adjective and the word that it modifies.

14 Station 4: verbs Page: 528 Exercise 9
Write the verbs and verb phrases. Don’t forget to include the helping verbs.

15 Station 5: Adverbs Page: 529 Exercise 10
Write the adverbs and the verb they modify.

16 Station 6: Prepositions
Page: 535 Exercise 15 Write two sentence for each preposition.

17 Station 7: Conjunctions
Page: 537 Exercise 16 Write the conjunctions in each sentence.

18 Station 8: Interjections
Page: 538 Exercise 17 Use at least 5 interjections.

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