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National Bureau of Statistics of China

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1 National Bureau of Statistics of China
Application and utilization of civil registration, vital statistics information in China Xiao Ning National Bureau of Statistics of China November 2017, Hanoi

2 I. Population Statistics in China

3 Population Data Collection
Population data collection by National bureau of Statistics (NBS) of China: population census inter-census survey annual population survey

4 Population Data Collection
Traditional household visit remained the main method of enumeration in census. Pilot surveys on self-enumeration before 2010 Census which indicated a low response rate, even in urban area. In recent years, the PDA has been used in data collection in population surveys. And in the next census, we are going to try more data collection methods such as internet option.

5 Population Data Collection
Household items: type of household (family, collective) number of persons births and deaths during last 12 months floor space of housing number of rooms etc.

6 Population Data Collection
Individual items(1): name relation with head of household gender date of birth nationality (ethnic group) place of residence place of household registration

7 Population Data Collection
Individual items(2): duration since leaving place of household registration reason for leaving place of household registration ability to read education attainment marital status

8 Population Data Collection
Individual items(3): number of births and number of children surviving to the woman aged fertility status during last 12 months to the woman aged (date of birth, gender, birth order) Death form: mortality status during last 12 months (name, sex, date of birth, date of death)

9 Population Information Issued
Total population (gender, region, age group) Births Deaths Floating Population

10 Total Population and Natural Growth Rate
(10,000 persons)

11 Birth and Death (10,000 Persons) Year Births Deaths Net Growth 2010
1592 951 641 2011 1604 960 644 2012 1635 966 669 2013 1640 972 668 2014 1687 977 710 2015 1655 975 680 2016 1786 809

12 Gender Composition and Urbanization (%)

13 Age Composition (%) Year 0-14 15-64 65+ 2010 16.6 74.5 8.9 2011 16.5
74.4 9.1 2012 74.1 9.4 2013 16.4 73.9 9.7 2014 73.4 10.1 2015 73.0 10.5 2016 16.7 72.5 10.8

14 Floating Population 245 million or 18% (2016)

15 II. Distinction of the Vital Statistics and the Registration

16 Different in Population Count
The population census or surveys count the de facto population. The population registration count the population by the place of permanent household registration. The two different data source not only provide different population distributions (due to internal migration), but also provide total population count.

17 Population Distribution
2016 year-end population (10,000 persons)

18 Different in Births Statistics
The NBS estimate the births every year according to the data derive from population sample survey, and we also use the births registration as a reference. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Births (statistics estimate) 1604 1635 1640 1687 1655 1786 Number of live births delivered in hospital (registration) 1602 1709 1676 1825 1551 1846

19 III. Application and utilization of civil registration, vital statistics information in China

20 For the Government Civil registration and vital statistics played an important role in the government's formulation of population policies and population planning in China.

21 For the ID Card Management System
When a baby was born, the parents should register at the police station to obtain an unique 18-digit ID number, which will be accompanied by her/his whole lifetime.

22 For the ID Card Management System
ID card is the only identification of citizenship, it is widely used in the economic activities and social activities of residents. Such as voter registration, registration of military service, admission to school, employment, bank credit, social security, business registration, driver's license application, boarding plane or train, hotel accommodation registration, etc.

23 For the Public Data dissemination (
Cooperated data analysis and research Application of geo-information system

24 IV. Issues and Efforts

25 Issues Civil registration relies on the individuals can not guarantee the data timelines. With the increasing awareness of privacy, the household interview enumeration becomes harder and harder in population census and survey. The databases of CRVS in different departments haven’t been connected yet. Coordination between departments still has some difficulties

26 Efforts Collaboration between departments in the verification and assessment of population data has been ongoing. In the next census, we plan to add the ID number to the questionnaire and look forward to establishing a connection with the population census database and registration database.


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