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Revolutions: French It was the best of times,

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Presentation on theme: "Revolutions: French It was the best of times,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Revolutions: French It was the best of times,
it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity… -Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities

2 The French Revolution King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, the French Royal family. Enjoyed the luxuries of being Royal

3 Causes of the French Revolution
Division of French Society Fiscal Crisis Economic Depression

4 Division of French Society
First Estate Clergy Made up less than 1% of the population Owned 10% of land and were exempt from taxes Extracted wealth from society through tithes and church fees

5 Division of French Society cont.
Second Estate Hereditary Nobility Made up 1% of the population Controlled 30% of the land

6 Division of French Society cont.
Third Estate “Ordinary People” Everybody else from Bourgeoisie to homeless 98% of the population Owned 55% of land Not exempt from taxes Peasants compromised 80% of the population

7 Fiscal Crisis French government was heavily in debt Why?
French and Indian War Lost colonies/territory American Revolution Spending on palaces and other luxuries

8 Economic Depression Majority of the population was starving, unemployed, and homeless Price of bread was continuously rising Commoners spent 80% of their budgets on food Clergy increased dues and fees Eventually, the Third Estate erupted in violent protest

9 The French Urban Poor

10 Division of French Society

11 Voting Power Amongst Three Estates
How is this unfair to the Third Estate?

12 King Louis XVI Takes Action
Meeting of the Estates General Versailles, May of 1789 Cahiers- book of Grievances Fairer taxes Freedom of press Wide array of grievances Last time it was called into session was 1614!

13 Where is the Tax Money?

14 “The Third Estate Awakens”
The commoners finally presented their credentials not as delegates of the Third Estate, but as “representative of the nation” They proclaimed themselves the “National Assembly” of France

15 The Tennis Court Oath June 20, 1789 New National Assembly vowed they would not rest until they drew up a constitution for France

16 Declaration of the Rights of Man
National Assembly setting out that all men are equal and have rights. Took notice of the Declaration of Independence and the ideas of enlightenment thinkers like Locke and Rousseau

17 Rumors and Popular Uprisings During the French Revolution
The Storming of the Bastille “The Great Fear”

18 The Storming of the Bastille July 14, 1789
A rumor that the king was planning to arrest the National Assembly Stormed the Bastille 18 died 73 wounded Looking for weapons to defend themselves but found nothing. This event served as the symbol of the revolution

19 The Great Fear Beginning of revolts, primarily in rural areas and small towns. It was a time where peasants rose up against the nobility and attacked their homes and destroyed their things.

20 Radical Days Discussion
Is a democratic government ever justified in using non-democratic means to protect itself and ensure its survival? “Terror without virtue is fatal. Virtue without terror is powerless. Terror is nothing but prompt, severe, and unbending justice.” Maximilien Robespierre

21 Capture of King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette at Verennes

22 Downfall of the Monarchy and another Government
The French Republic Led by National Convention Radical (this time became known as the “Radical Days) January 1793 King Louis XVI executed for treason October 1793 Marie Antoinette executed Why? Reign of Terror

23 Execution of the King and Queen

24 France at War at Home and Abroad
King had tried to convince Prussia, Britain, the Netherlands, and Spain to help crush the revolution but they could not prior to Louis XVI execution Committee of Public Safety- determined who was for and against the revolutionary cause. Headed by Robespierre Prepared France for an all-out war at home and abroad

25 Reign of Terror Reign of Terror
National Convention sought out “traitors” and gave them hasty trials “Perish the Traitors!” 40,000 people died

26 End of the Reign of Terror
With the massive amount of death and destruction, many French moderates grew weary of Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety Robespierre and his followers executed by 1795 The Revolution now entered another phase

27 Yet another government
The Directory Produced the Constitution of 1795 Established a 5 man Directory and an elected two-house legislature Held power Weak, dictatorial, corrupt Eventually, gives way to a popular military hero, Napoleon Bonaparte

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