Mentee Criteria W2W is a Career ADVANCEMENT program for clients of Dress for Success Columbus Mentees must: Have stable employment Show a commitment.

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Presentation on theme: "Mentee Criteria W2W is a Career ADVANCEMENT program for clients of Dress for Success Columbus Mentees must: Have stable employment Show a commitment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dress for Success Columbus Women2Women Mentoring: Advancing Life & Career

2 Mentee Criteria W2W is a Career ADVANCEMENT program for clients of Dress for Success Columbus Mentees must: Have stable employment Show a commitment to ADVANCING herself by being open and responsive to advice from her mentor. Why do you consider this person a mentor? What good things have come from this relationship? Have there been challenging times in your relationship with this person?

3 GOALS What does success look like?
Build a Network: The mentee will have the opportunity to add new professionals (including her mentor) to her network through introductions from her mentor, which increase exposure and opportunities for mentee

4 Goals What does success look like?
Share new professional experiences: The mentee will have the opportunity to have experiences that broaden her understanding of professional interactions and give her the chance to practice networking.

5 goals What does success look like?
Develop Professional Relationships: The mentee will reflect on the new relationships she has gained on how they can help in the next steps to advancing her life and career.

6 Develop Relationships
SIX month mentoR Plan Months 1 and 2 Develop Relationships Mentor training (preprogram). Meet Your Mentee. Build rapport through learning as much as you can. 2 meetings with your mentee each month; at least 1 in person monthly. Listen, Listen, Listen. Role model expected behavior. Monthly check-in with Dress. Months 3 and 4 Share Experiences Plan and prepare to attend 1 or 2 networking events together. Reflect on who you met and what you learned. Discuss appropriate follow up and continued engagement. Monthly check-in with Dress. Mid-point full cohort gathering. Months 5 and 6 Network Development Develop a plan to meet at least 2 new professionals in person. Ensure follow-up with new connection after each meeting. Discuss what’s been learned, next steps. Monthly check-in with Dress. Cohort Celebration Dinner!


8 One Step at a time


10 Dress for Success Columbus
All services are free-of-charge Provide a network of support to advance careers Professional attire Career development tools and Employment Retention programs

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