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Vocabulary Research Memory Skill Practice Stretch! Multiplication

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1 Vocabulary Research Memory Skill Practice Stretch! Multiplication
Find out about the “Times Table Finger Method” and be able to explain it to someone else. Place value, hundred, thousand, million, tenths, hundredths, approximately positive, negative, integer, decimals Practice your mental maths targets so you are closer to moving up a level on your Numeracy Passport. Skill Practice Stretch! Multiplication Find the numbers to complete these number sentences. ___ x 100 = 10 x ___ 25 x ___ = 200 ___ x ___ = 864 ___ x ___ x ___ = 864 Band 5 Answer the following questions showing your working (on a separate sheet of paper that you then hand in): 1a) 356 x 4 1b) 876 x 6 1c) 765 x 8 2a) 5486 x 5 2b) 7543 x 6 2c) 7869 x 8 3a) 423 x 15 3b) 321 x 17 Band 6 1a) 356 x 8 1b) 8276 x 6 1c) 7265 x 8 2a) 586 x 25 2b) 543 x 26 2c) 7869 x 15 3a) 4823 x 35 3b) 3321 x 45

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