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Bell Ringer You may use your book.

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1 Bell Ringer 2-25-09 You may use your book.
Who is the scientist that suggested that energy can be created under certain conditions? Friction converts ________ energy to _______ energy. Name three fossil fuels. Potential energy + Kinetic Energy = ______________

2 Chapter 13 Section 4 Energy and Fossil Fuels

3 Fossil fuels are fuels formed in Earth’s crust which contain energy from the sun .
Cars, buses, trains, and airplanes are powered by gasoline, diesel fuel and jet fuel, which are made from fossil fuels. These are alternatives to using electricity.

4 Types of Renewable fossil fuels
Biomass- energy from plants and animals Geothermal- energy from the earth's core Hydropower- energy from moving water Solar energy- energy from the sun Wind energy- energy from moving air

5 Types of Nonrenewable Fossil Fuels
Coal Natural Gas Uranium Petroleum Propane

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