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Christianity, Belief & Science

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Presentation on theme: "Christianity, Belief & Science"— Presentation transcript:

1 Christianity, Belief & Science
Higher RMPS Christianity, Belief & Science

2 Epistemology The theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope, and the distinction between justified belief and opinion.

3 What does the course cover?
Ways of knowing (epistemology): Scientific Method Revelation Origins of the Universe: Big Bang Theory Genesis 1 Origins of Life Evolution Genesis 2

4 How do we know what we know?
Authority Reason Senses Revelation

5 Authority Authority Teacher Scientist Church

6 All bachelors are unmarried
Reason All bachelors are unmarried logic a priori Thinking

7 Senses Observation Empirical evidence Experiment

8 Mystical Mystical Dreams Visions Revelation

9 Science uses Authority Reason Senses

10 Religion uses Reason Revelation Authority

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