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Bone Structure and Growth

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Presentation on theme: "Bone Structure and Growth"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bone Structure and Growth

2 Structure of Bone Compact bone Haversian canals Osteocytes and lacunae
Canaliculi Volkmann’s canals

3 Spongy (cancellous)bone
Light weight and strong Trabeculae Canaliculi Contain red marrow

4 Features of a Long Bone

5 Bone Development & Growth
Osteogenesis/ossification Osteoblast Osteoclast Osteocyte

6 Intramembranous ossification
Sheet-like connective tissue is replaced with bone Flat bones of skull and some irregular bones

7 Endochondral ossification
Replaces hyaline cartilage with bone Forms most bones in body Growth in bone length is created through a similar process

8 Endochondral Ossification

9 Bone Growth Growth only occurs at epiphyseal plate
Growth ends in the early 20s Bone growth is controlled by growth and sex hormones Appositional growth continues throughout life

10 Functions of the Skeleton
Support Protection Movement Storage Hematopoiesis

11 Articulations Any place where two bones meet Synarthroses
Amphiarthroses Diarthroses

12 Synarthroses Immovable joints

13 Amphiarthroses Slightly movable joints
Bones connected by hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage

14 Diarthroses Freely movable joints
Ends of bone covered in hyaline cartilage Bones separated by a joint cavity Cavity lined with synovial membrane Bursae


16 Ball and socket joint

17 Condyloid (condylar) joint

18 Saddle Joint

19 Pivot joint

20 Hinge joint

21 Gliding (plane) joints

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