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Vietnam Divides the Nation

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1 Vietnam Divides the Nation
Chapter 26.2

2 The Antiwar Movement Media: Contradicted government reports
Displayed images from the war front Vietnam became the first “television war” People saw images of American casualties on the nightly news Support for the war began to wane as the war dragged on

3 Teach Ins Discussing the issues surrounding the war and reaffirmed their reasons for opposing the war The first came at the University of Michigan (a group of faculty and students) 122 colleges had “Teach Ins” and displayed them live on radio Over 100,000 anti-war demonstrations took place in 1965


5 Anger at the Draft Many people believed their was an unfair draft system College students could defer military service until after graduation Thus, young people from working class families were more likely to be drafted (couldn’t afford college) Disproportionate number of working class and minority youths went to war Draftees were more likely to be in combat units, as were African Americans (more likely to be killed)

6 Muhammad Ali on the Draft

7 Hawks and Doves Despite criticisms from the American public President Johnson was determined to continue the fight Doves: Wanted the United States to leave the war in Vietnam Hawks: Wanted the United States to continue to fight against the Vietnam

8 1968: The Pivotal Year

9 The Tet Offensive During the Vietnamese New Year the Vietcong and North Vietnamese launched a massive surprise attack Vietcong attacked almost all American airbases in South Vietnam, and even blasted their way into the American Embassy The American people were shocked that an enemy supposedly on the verge of defeat could launch a large scale attack Although the U.S. was able to beat the Vietcong back, it now appeared that the war would end in a stalemate

10 Tet Offensive

11 Johnson Leaves the Race
Both Johnson and the war had become increasingly unpopular Johnson did not seek the nomination from his party for another term in office

12 A Season of Violence Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated
Then a few months later Senator Robert Kennedy (who appeared he would win the democratic election) was assassinated There were numerous violent protests around the country, as the Anti-war movement reached its peak


14 Nixon Nixon wins the Presidency
He promised a secret plan to get us out of Vietnam He claimed he would be the Law and Order President

15 Forrest Gump in Vietnam

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