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What started the Korean War, and what were the end results of it?

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1 What started the Korean War, and what were the end results of it?
Ch. 15 Sec. 4 The Korean War What started the Korean War, and what were the end results of it?

2 After World War II, Korea was divided into two countries along the 38th parallel.
The Soviet Union supported North Korea and established a communist government there. The United States provided aid to noncommunist South Korea. Sound Familiar? 2

3 The crisis began in June, 1950.
Communist forces advanced far into the South, taking over much of the peninsula. North Korean troops, armed with Soviet equipment, crossed the 38th parallel and attacked South Korea. For ourselves, we seek no territory or domination over others…we are concerned with advancing our prosperity and our well-being as a Nation, but we know that our future is inseparably joined with the future of other free people. - Harry S. Truman, July 1950 3

4 They halted their retreat near Pusan.
Forces from the U.S. and other UN countries arrived to help their South Korean allies. They halted their retreat near Pusan. 4

5 General Douglas MacArthur led the charge and his plan worked.
In the fall of 1950, a surprise landing at Inchon helped UN forces push the North Koreans to the Chinese border. 5

6 China sent over 250,000 troops to stop UN push
China sent over 250,000 troops to stop UN push. During the winter of 1950 and 1951, communist forces pushed UN troops to the 37th parallel. 6

7 By the spring of 1951, UN forces secured their position near the 38th parallel, and a tense stalemate began. 7

8 Armistice Signed Peace agreement signed on July 27, 1953
60,000 UN causalities Close to 2 million causalities for communists DMZ set up- still today

9 Military spending increases.
Military commitments increase worldwide. Future Presidents send the military into combat without Congressional approval. 37,000 American soldiers killed There was no clear winner in the Korean War, but the conflict had lasting effects in the U.S. 9

10 Kim Dynasty in North Korea
Kim Il Sung Kim Jong Il Kim Jong Un

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