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Darwin’s Observations

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1 Darwin’s Observations
Section 10.2 Darwin’s Observations

2 Darwin observed variation among island species
Variation  the difference in the physical traits of an individual from those of other individuals in the group to which it belongs Examples include tortoises: Saddle-backed tortoises that have long necks live in areas with a lot of tall plants Domed tortoises that have shorter necks and legs live in wet areas rich in mosses and shorter plants

3 Examples of Finches: Finches with strong, thick beaks live in areas with a lot of large, hard-shelled nuts Finches with more delicate beaks live in areas where insects or fruits are widely available

4 Darwin realized species could adapt to their environment
Adaptation  a feature that allows an organism to better survive in its environment Can lead to genetic change in a population over time

5 Darwin observed fossil and geologic evidence of an ancient Earth
Fossil evidence included: Darwin found fossils of huge animals such as a giant armadillo These fossils looked like living species suggesting that modern animals might have some relationship to fossil forms Geologic evidence included: Darwin also found fossils of marine animals high up in the Andes mountains This suggested that land that had been underwater was moved above sea level, possibly from an earthquake

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