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Unit 10-Evolution Review

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1 Unit 10-Evolution Review

2 Question 1 A group of individuals that are closely related and can produce fertile offspring.

3 Answer 1 Species

4 Question 2 A characteristic that improves and individual’s ability to survive and reproduce in a particular environment.

5 Answer 2 Adaptation

6 Question 3 The trace or remains of an organism that lived long ago, most commonly preserved in sedimentary rock.

7 Answer 3 Fossil

8 Question 4 The formation of new species as a result of evolution.

9 Answer 4 Speciation

10 Question 5 The process by which individuals that are better adapted to their environment survive and reproduce more successfully than less well adapted individuals do; a theory to explain the mechanism of evolution.

11 Answer 5 Natural Selection

12 Question 6 The process in which inherited characteristics within a population change over generations such that new species sometimes arise.

13 Answer 6 Evolution

14 Question 7 The following scenario is an example of __________________
A species of birds exists in unchanged for many thousands of years. Suddenly, a bacteria causes their primary tree of sheltering choice to die. The birds must adapt within the environment to trees that are much higher requiring more wing strength. Some birds die. The remaining birds' bodies adapt as necessary and they return to a state of unchanged.

15 Answer 7  Punctuated Equilibrium

16 Question 8 This graph is a good description of what evolutionary method?

17 Answer 8 Gradualism

18 Question 9 This graph and is good description of what evolutionary method?

19 Answer 9 Punctuated Equilibrium

20 Question 10 Who developed the Theory of Natural Selection?

21 Answer 10 Charles Darwin

22 Question 11 Define natural selection

23 Answer 11 the process where organisms better who can adapt to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring.

24 Question 12 Define vestigial structure

25 Answer 12 A structure in an organism that has lost all or most of its original function in the course of evolution. Such as human appendixes.

26 Question 13 Define homologous structure

27 Answer 13 A body parts from organisms of different species that are similar in structure and suggest the organisms share a common ancestor

28 Question 14 Give an example of vestigial structures in a human.

29 Appendix Wisdom Teeth Tailbone or Coccyx  Tonsils

30 Question 15 Give an example of homologous structures.

31 Answer 15 Following are some examples of homology: The arm of a human, the wing of a bird or a bat, the leg of a dog and the flipper of a dolphin or whale are homologous structures. They have a different purpose, but they share a common structure.

32 Question 16

33 Answer 16 Layer 4

34 Question 17  A(n)_________________ helps an organism survive better in its environment.

35 Answer 17 Adaptation

36 Question 18 A scientist is studying fossils found in the Georgia Coastal Plain. Fossil A resembles Fossil B, but Fossil B was found in a deeper layer than Fossil A. Briefly describe the relationship between the fossils. 

37 Answer 18 The resemblance of Fossil A and Fossil B tell scientist that they may have shared a common ancestor, and because Fossil B was found in a deeper layer it is an older fossil than Fossil A 

38 Question 19 A population of peppered moths remains unchanged for many of years. During the industrial revolution black soot was emitted from the chimney pipes of factories. This left black tar on the trees where the peppered moths lived. Over time, moths with mostly white wings were eaten by predators. Moths with mostly dark wings survived and passed their genes onto their offspring. The change in population from light to dark moths took many years.  Is this an example of gradualism or punctuated equilibrium? 

39 Answer 19 Gradualism

40 Question 20 A king snake is a non-poisonous snake that has colored markings that make it look almost exactly like the highly poisonous coral snake. What type of adaptation is this?

41 Answer 20 Mimcry

42 Question 21 Explain how fossil records are evidence for evolution. 

43 Answer 21 Fossils help to show slight changes in an organism over time until eventually a completely different species forms.  

44 Question 22 Explain why vestigial structures are an evidence for evolution. 

45 Answer 22 Vestigial structures suggest that at one point the organism needed the structure to survive. The fact that they are no longer needed may prove that present day organisms have evolved to no longer need them.  Example: Whale's pelvic bone. This suggests that whales MAY have evolved from an organism that walked as opposed to one that swims. 

46 Question 23 Explain why homologous structures are evidence for evolution

47 Answer 23 When we compare the bone structures of two different species, we can see that they have similarities, but serve a different purpose. This gives us evidence for evolution because it helps defend the idea that we came from a common ancestor to begin with and that's why we have those similarities.  

48 Question 24 The scientist credited with proposing The Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection was?

49 Answer 24 Charles Darwin 

50 Question 25 Pandas developed longer wrists to better eat bamboo over time and in turn increase their chance of survival. This is an example of: 

51 Answer 25 Adaptation

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