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TRACE Downflows and Energy Release

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1 TRACE Downflows and Energy Release
Ayumi ASAI Kwasan Observatory, Kyoto University SOHO de Mallorca 30 September, 2003

2 Downflow Motion Yohkoh (SXT) has found downflows above post-flare loops McKenzie and Hudson 1999 McKenzie 2000 velocity: 45–500 km/s dark feature often seen in the decay phase of LDEs Yohkoh/SXT : McKenzie 2000

3 TRACE Downflow Recently TRACE also has found the downflows above post-flare loops Innes et al. (2003) spectroscopic analyses with SOHO/SUMER flow of rarefied plasma? we examine such TRACE downflow motions with higher spatial resolution we examine evolution of the region where the downflows are seen ex) : 21 April, 2002 flare

4 2002 July 23 Flare Flare 2002-July-23 00:15UT GOES X4.8
NOAA 0039 Flare 2002-July-23 00:15UT GOES X4.8 NOAA 0039 (SE limb) Data EUV…TRACE (195Å) HXR...RHESSI microwave…NoRH GOES flux NoRH 17GHz NoRH 34GHz 00:00 02:00 01:00

5 TRACE (195Å) Movie EUV (195Å) images obtained with TRACE
This filter is sensitive to 106 K plasma and 107 K plasma East West

6 Time Slice Image Time slice image downflow super hot plasma (10MK)
TRACE 195Å post-flare loop (1MK) time

7 Velocity of Downflows downflow velocity: 100 – 250 km/s
Time slice image TRACE 195A slit A slit A slit B downflow velocity: 100 – 250 km/s ~previous results slit B

8 Time of Downflows Time slice image These TRACE downflows are seen not only in the decay phase but also in the impulsive phase and main phase GOES NoRH 17GHz NoRH 34GHz 00:00 01:00 02:00

9 Timing of Downflows Time slice image TRACE 195A slit A slit A slit B The timings of the down flows correspond to microwave/HXR bursts. slit B RHESSI keV

10 Timing of Downflows Time slice image TRACE 195A slit A slit A slit B The timings of the down flows correspond to microwave/HXR bursts. slit B NoRH 17GHz

11 Ascending Loop Top Time slice image ascending velocity ~ 40 km/s
super hot plasma (10MK) TRACE 195Å post-flare loop (1MK) ~ 20 km/s time

12 Ascending Motion superhot region moving upward as the flare progresses
height velocity microwave HXR superhot region moving upward as the flare progresses ascending velocity is enhanced when nonthermal bursts occur

13 Summary Features of the TRACE Downflow Motion
speed : km/s seen in the impulsive-main-decay phase Downflows show good correlations with HXR/microwave bursts downflows are closely related to reconnection outflow!? Superhot region ascends when the nonthermal bursts occur (Neupert effect)

14 Multiple Plasmoid Ejection
Multiple plasmoid-ejections 2000 November 24 flare shows many plasmoid ejections, and each of them is ejected at the time corresponding to the HXR burst. Takasaki (2003) Time slice image Yohkoh/SXT

15 Reconnection Outflow? plasmoid ejection Many plasmoids (magnetic islands) are formed in a current sheet. They consist the reconnection outflows. upward ejection : plasmoid ejections downward ejection : downflows downflows

16 Comparison plasmoid ejection downflow velocity [km/s] 30-500 45– 500
size [km] 1-10・104 2-10・103 density [cm-3] 1-10・109 ~109 impulsive ph. Yes decay ph. No HXR/m-wave

17 What are Downflows…? propagation of reconnection outflows
Tandokoro (2003)

18 What are Downflows…? simulation observation

19 Ascending Motion (RHESSI)
height velocity microwave HXR HXR coronal source is also pushed upward when nonthermal bursts occur Krucker 2003

20 corrected separation velocity ~ 25 km/s
Evolution of Ha Ribbon slit projected separation velocity ~ 7 km/s corrected separation velocity ~ 25 km/s

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