The Living World Species.

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Presentation on theme: "The Living World Species."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Living World Species

2 Living World Concept map Life

3 Living/non-living 1- Living organisms and non-living matters can be found all around our environment. 2- Living organisms are "any living structure, such as a plant, animal, fungus or bacterium, capable of growth and reproduction". 3- Non-living matters are “any objects that does not possess life or living characteristics is a non living thing”

4 Living organism

5 Non-Living

6 Life Forms 4-There are approximately 1.8 million species of living organisms on Earth. 5-New species are discovered every year.

7 Taxonomy: Classifying Life
6-Taxonomy is the “classification of living organism”. 7-Scientists all around the world use the same language to classify living organism. 8- They use the same names and categories. Ex: vertebrate and invertebrate.

8 Scientific Names 9- Every living organism is given a scientific name.
10- Living organisms are divided using this classification system: Kingdoms Phyla Classes Orders Families Genera Species

9 Example

10 Six Kingdoms 11-Animals (tiger, humans) 12-Plants (trees)
13-Fungi (mushrooms) 14-Protists (unicellular organisms, plankton) 15-Bacteria ( cholera, germs…) 16-Archeans (microorganism)

11 Animals

12 Plants

13 Fungi

14 Protists

15 Bacteria

16 Archaeans

17 The Animal Kingdom 17-They do not produce their own food
18-They feed on plants or other animals 19-They can usually move on their own 20- 2 Categories: Invertebrates (No internal skeleton) Vertebrates (Have an internal skeleton) Cold blooded animals (lizard, snakes) Warm-blooded animals (mammals, birds)

18 Vertebrates

19 Invertebrates

20 Plant Kingdom 21-They produce their own food
22-They cannot move on their own. 23-5 different categories (Book p.219) Algae (Usually lives in Water) Mosses (no roots) Ferns Conifers Flowering Plants

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