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Milford EVSD MEVSD's Vision Statement: To inspire and prepare our students to reach their fullest potential in a diverse and dynamic world.

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Presentation on theme: "Milford EVSD MEVSD's Vision Statement: To inspire and prepare our students to reach their fullest potential in a diverse and dynamic world."— Presentation transcript:

1 Milford EVSD MEVSD's Vision Statement: To inspire and prepare our students to reach their fullest potential in a diverse and dynamic world.

2 Milford EVSD Fiscal Year-End June 30, 2017

3 Receipts for Fiscal Year 2017
General Fund Revenue Receipts for Fiscal Year 2017 $70,586,651 Local PropTax /Rollback $40,883,776 Other Local Income $5,290,220 State Foundation $22,608,161 Other State Income $1,545,600 Investments $258,894

4 Milford EVSD Revenue on the Rise
By 2018, revenue is estimated to rise by $100,000 due to HB49 and Governor Kasich’s biennial budget for

5 Milford EVSD Percent of Total Receipts

6 2017 Other State Receipts Catastrophic aide 765,109
Casino Money ,970 Medicare Reimbursement ,680 E-Rate Reimbursement ,315 Total $1,470,074

7 2017 Other Local Receipts Revenue In-lieu-of Taxes $2,500,000
Tuition ,036,757 Open Enrollment ,880 Rental of Facilities ,608 Athletic & Activities Fees ,826 Other ,943 Total $5,264,014

8 Total Expenditures for Fiscal Year 2017
$64,984,748 Salaries and Benefits $46,630,027 Capital Outlay $1,079,359 Purchased Services $13,845,724 Supplies and Materials $2,528,817 Other Expenditures $900,821

9 Total Expenditures by Object
Milford EVSD Total Expenditures by Object

10 Milford EVSD

11 Comparison FY 2015 – 2018 (thousands)
Milford EVSD Comparison FY 2015 – (thousands) Fiscal Year 2015 Actual 2016 2017 2018 Estimate Beginning Cash Balance 17,436 21,207 27,715 33,317 Receipts 66,873 68,302 70,587 71,341 Expenditures 63,102 61,794 64,985 69,131 Ending Cash Balance $21,207 $27,715 $33,317 $35,527

12 Milford EVSD

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