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Sherwood High School Course Registration

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1 Sherwood High School Course Registration 2017-2018

2 How to Make your Course Selections!
You will learn the new scheduling system to sign up for classes in 6 easy steps!

3 MyMCPS Scheduler You will enter your own course requests online at home If you do not have access to a computer and printer at home, please find time to go to the Media Center. If you have ANY trouble-don’t worry! Your counselors will help you and we will be meeting with you to check things over.

4 STEP 1 Login:
Once you see the sign in screen, enter your MCPS username (your 6 digit MCPS Student ID#) and password (the password you use to log into the computers at school). Then select “Sign In.”

5 STEP 2 This is your Grade Level specific home screen. You will choose courses from here. (See Grade 10 screen in the example below.)

6 STEP 3 Choose your courses by clicking on the pencil icon. Make sure you pick 7 classes. A green check mark shows that a choice has been made or that there is no choice required in that section. A red exclamation mark shows that a selection still needs to be made.

7 HELPFUL HINTS Make sure you check off the course for both semesters: Example: Algebra 1A and Algebra 1B Courses are listed in alphabetical order within each category in MyMCPS Scheduler. You can select multiple courses in each subject area. Then click OK. DP=Double Period

8 Another Helpful Hint Please note that you may need to click through multiple pages in order to find the course you are looking for.

9 STEP 4 When you are finished making all of your choices, make sure it says, “Requesting 7 credit hours” at the bottom of the page. Click the “Submit” button on the bottom right.

10 STEP 5 Once you have reviewed your selections, print a copy for your records. You can sign out of the application using the “Sign Out” link located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

STEP 6 Make sure your registration card is filled out. On your card, write down your 2 alternate courses. Parent signature is required on the form. Make sure to turn in your Registration form on your designated day. YOU ARE NOW REGISTERED FOR CLASSES FOR NEXT YEAR!

12 Finally, please remember…
Follow the recommendations your teachers have made. They know you as a student and they have a good understanding of the expectations of classes. Talk with your parents or guardians, teachers and counselor about your course choices. They know you best! Please have your MyMCPS Scheduler course selections entered and your registration card filled out by the due dates listed. your counselor if you have questions!

13 Important Dates January 9-17: Counselors will meet with current 9-11 graders to review Course Registration Process Tuesday, January 24: Counselors visit Rosa Parks MS to discuss Registration process Thursday, January 26 at 6:00: Course Fair/Parent Meeting for parents of students entering grade 9 at the Ertzman Theater in Sherwood High School Grades 9-11: Registration cards are due in Advisory Monday, January 30. During February, you will meet with your Counselor to discuss and review your course selections. Thursday, February 2: Counselors visit Farquhar MS to discuss Registration process Current 8th Graders: Your schedule cards are due by February 10. The MYMCPS Scheduling Program will be locked for Rosa Parks and Sherwood Students on Wednesday, February 1. It will be locked for Farquhar students on Wednesday, February 8. After that time, any changes need to be made through your counselor.

14 After you submit your registration form, you may contact your counselor if you need to make any changes. But please note that any change request must be communicated by May 25, 2017.

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