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Why they are related to annelids

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1 Why they are related to annelids
Mollusks Soft body with internal or external shell Trochophore-free-swimming larval stage Why they are related to annelids True coelom

2 Body Plan Foot- can be flat, spade, tentacles
Mantle- outer layer of tissue covering body Shell- calcium carbonate Visceral Mass- internal organs

3 Feeding-herbivores, carnivores, filter, detrivores
Radula-snails & slugs, tongue with teeth Poisons-octopi Gills-clams, oysters, scallops Siphon- allows water in and out to go over gills Respiration-aquatic-gills Land-exchange with blood vessels Circulation-open-blood moves from vessels to sinuses (slower animals) Or closed-octopi Excretion-nephridia-remove ammonia Radula

4 Response- varies greatly
Clams-very small amount of nerves Octopi- well-developed brain, intelligent Movement-mucus on foot, jet propulsion Reproduction-sexual through external or internal fertilization Some are hermaphrodites Octopus opening jar:

5 1. Polyplacophora- chitons
fossil record, stretching back 400 million years to the Devonian live on hard surfaces, such as on or under rocks Only marine Body is a series of overlapping plates

6 2. Gastropoda-snails, slugs, sea butterflies, sea hares, limpets, nudibranchs
Shell-less or single shelled Radula, head with tentacles Open circulatory system

7 3. Bivalvia- clams, oysters, mussels, scallops
2 shells with hinge No radula, use filter Oysters & mussels-sessile Pearls- made when something (sand) gets trapped between mantle & shell, so mantle secretes shell-like material

8 4. Cephalopoda- squid, octopi, nautiluses, cuttlefish
Head attached to single foot (divided into tentacles) Small internal shells or no shell External shell- nautilus Squid- internal supporting rod (pen) Complex sense organs- sharp vision Closed circulatory- efficient for constant blood supply to muscles nautilus cuttlefish

9 Octopus Facts All are venomous, but only the small blue-ringed octopuses are deadly to humans. a neurotoxin which is also found in pufferfish that is 10,000 times more toxic than cyanide. Tetrodotoxin blocks sodium channels, causing motor paralysis and respiratory arrest within minutes of exposure, leading to cardiac arrest due to a lack of oxygen. The toxin is produced by bacteria in the salivary glands of the octopus. An octopus has a hard beak They swim at 25 mph, but feels like 60mph Most don’t have a shell, some have remnants of internal shell

10 Both squids and octopuses have blue blood
Both squids and octopuses have blue blood. Their blood is this color because they use an oxygen-carrying molecule in their blood that contains copper. short life expectancy, and some species live for as little as six months Octopuses have three hearts. Two branchial hearts pump blood through each of the two gills, while the third pumps blood through the body Have a memory system and even play Ink- melanin to distract predator Smell with arms, some can regenerate if lost Can change color & shape Males lose their penis while mating & regenerate it the next year, females die after mating Squids have pens & 2 tentacles

11 Inking Shape & color change Mimic
Shape & color change Mimic

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