Assessment Information

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1 Assessment Information
LEAP 2025 Assessment Information


3 ELA LEAP 2025

4 Reporting Categories

5 Assessment Design The LEAP 2025 ELA assessments focus on an integrated approach to reading and writing that reflects instruction in an effective ELA classroom: careful, close reading of complex grade-level literary and informational texts a full range of texts from across the disciplines, including science, social studies, and the arts tasks that integrate key ELA skills by asking students to read texts, answer reading and vocabulary questions about the texts, and then write using evidence from what they have read questions worth answering, ordered in a way that builds meaning a focus on students citing evidence from texts when answering questions about a specific passage or when writing about a set of related passages a focus on words that matter most in texts, that are essential to understanding a particular text, and that include context that allows a student to determine literal and figurative meanings

6 LEAP 2025 Task Types All students will take the Research Simulation Task. The other task will be either the Literary Analysis Task, administered by itself, or the Narrative Writing Task and a passage set consisting of a literary or informational text and a set of selected-response questions about the text.

7 Research Simulation Task
The Research Simulation Task mirrors the research process by presenting two-three texts on a given topic. Students answer a set of selected-response questions about the texts and then write an extended response about some aspect of the related texts.

8 Literary Analysis Task
The Literary Analysis Task provides students an opportunity to show their understanding of literature. It asks students to read two literary texts, answer a set of selected-response questions about the texts, and write an extended response that compares and/or explains key ideas or elements.

9 Narrative Writing Task
The Narrative Writing Task asks students to read a literary text, answer a set of selected-response questions about the text, and then create a narrative related to the text.

10 LEAP 2025 General ELA Operational Test Design (grades 3-10)
Assessment Design LEAP 2025 General ELA Operational Test Design (grades 3-10) Session Contents of Session Testing Time Session 1 Literary Analysis Task (LAT) by itself (grade 3) or LAT with a reading passage set with one text (grades 4-10) OR Research Simulation Task by itself (all grades) 75 minutes (grade 3) 90 minutes (grades 4-10) Session 2 Research Simulation Task (when LAT is in Session 1) Narrative Writing Task and a reading passage set with one text or a pair of related texts (when RST is in Session 1) Session 3 Reading Literary and Informational Texts (one or two reading passage sets)* 60 minutes (grades 3-5) 80 minutes (grades 6-10)

11 Scoring Rubrics Rubrics
Please click on the rubrics link. Pull up the rubrics to ensure teachers understand the points on the rubrics. Rubrics


13 Social Studies LEAP 2025

14 Reporting Categories

15 Assessment Design The LEAP 2025 SS assessments reflect the instructional priorities for social studies. CONTENT: Students answer meaningful questions to demonstrate an understanding of social studies content and concepts CLAIMS: Students apply understanding of social studies content and concepts by expressing and developing claims that make connections and/or show relationships among ideas, people, and events within and across time and place.

16 LEAP 2025 TEST DESIGN The LEAP 2025 Social Studies assessments have a set-based design. 1-4 related source document anchored to sets of 3-6 questions. Questions ask students to use prior content knowledge and the source documents to show an understanding of social studies content and concepts item sets include selected-response questions and some constructed-response The task set contains selected-response questions and an extended response. The extended-response item is worth up to 8 points and scored using a two- dimensional rubric that measures content and claims.

17 Assessment Design 2 CR 1 CR
Session 1 has 2 constructed responses for 3-4 and 1 for 5th Session 2 has 1 extended responses Session 3 has only selected responses for 3-4 and 1 CR for 5th

18 What should I be doing? Review notes and continue to study for tests
Study Island social studies Gallopade More information coming soon!

19 Practice handwriting at home!!!


21 Science LEAP 2025

22 Assessment Design The spring 2018 field test will assess a student’s understanding of the LSS for Science, reflecting the multiple dimensions of the standards. The field tests include item sets, task sets, and discrete items. A scientific phenomenon provides the focus for the sets. Stimulus materials, related to the scientific phenomenon, provides context for and anchor both item sets and task sets (comprised of four to five questions). In addition to the information presented in the stimulus materials, the questions require students to bring in content knowledge from the course to demonstrate their understanding of science.

23 Assessment Design Grades 3 and 4

24 Math LEAP 2025

25 About Math LEAP 2025: Will focus on key skills of the Louisiana Student Standards for Math(LSSM) and incorporate expectations of the rigor (conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency and application) at every grade level and performance level as outlined in the LSSM. Include performance tasks that ask the students to write arguments/justification, critique reasoning and be precise in mathematical statements; apply and interpret mathematical modeling in a real-world context.









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