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Monday, October 18, 2010 Silent Focus

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1 Monday, October 18, 2010 Silent Focus
Read/ Listen: To Michael Sandel’s Harvard class Write: What is happiness? Can we measure happiness? What is pain? Can we measure pain? Which clip did you find the most pleasurable, or enjoy the most? Why did you enjoy that one, and not the others? Why do you think our opinions may differ?

2 Agenda Word Power Session 8
Conventions ML #5- Run-Ons and Comma Splices Writing ML #3- 2nd period only Reading ML #9- 3rd period only Ender’s Game Pre-Reading, Study Guide, and Read Aloud Closing/ Homework

3 Tuesday, October 19, 2010 Silent Focus
Listen/Read: “I Will Draw You Near,” by Aaron Bates (a student from Michigan) Write: What is this poem about? What could be the theme or lesson in this poem? What audience do you think this author is writing for? Borrow a line and write your own.

4 Reading ML #11 Good readers know the difference between static and dynamic characters in a story, and can explain what they are and how they can tell. Dynamic Character- A character who learns a lesson and/or changes or grows during the course of a story. Often, the protagonist is a dynamic character. Static Character- is a character who doesn’t learn a lesson or change during the course of a story. Often, lesser characters in the story don’t change or grow. Sometimes the antagonist is a static character.

5 Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Silent Focus
Watch/ Listen: To Channel 1 News Write: What do you think about the story dealing with facebook privacy issues? How safe is your online social networking? How important is it that people exercise their right to protest? What do you think it would take for young people in the U.S. to protest? In your opinion, what is the most interesting or important story on this news broadcast? Write about any that you choose.

6 Agenda Word Power Session 8 Practice Reading ML # 8- 2nd period only
Ender’s Game Read aloud/ Study guide Buddha Boy Exam- 5th period only Closing/ Homework

7 Thursday, October 21, 2010 Silent Focus
Listen/ Watch: Seal’s, “Get it Together” Write: What is this song about? What is the lesson or theme in your own words? Borrow a line and write your own.

8 Agenda Word Power Session 8- Practice (3rd period)
Run- On and Comma Splice Test Writing ML #4- 5th period only Reading ML #8- 11th Grade only Ender’s Game Pre-Reading, Study Guide, and Read Aloud 9th Grade- Finish Buddha Boy, watch Film Closing/ Homework

9 Closing/ Homework Book Reports are due Nov. 8-12
Log onto to take the Run-ons and Comma Splices tests.

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