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Atomicity in Multithreaded Software

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1 Atomicity in Multithreaded Software
Cormac Flanagan UC Santa Cruz C. Flanagan Atomicity in Multithreaded Software

2 Multithreaded Software
Multithreading increasingly ubiquitous Current software lock-based synchronization painful, error prone, non-compositional Is there a better way transactions? yields transactions C. Flanagan Atomicity in Multithreaded Software

3 Race Conditions Race freedom is not sufficient to prevent errors
A race condition occurs if two threads access a shared variable at the same time, and at least one of those accesses is a write int i; lock m; void inc() { acquire(m); int t = i; i = t+1; release(m); } int i; lock m; void inc() { acquire(m); int t = i; release(m); i = t+1; } race-free behaves correctly race-free behaves incorrectly Race freedom is not sufficient to prevent errors due to unexpected interactions between threads C. Flanagan Atomicity in Multithreaded Software

4 Atomicity in Multithreaded Software
inc is atomic (serializable) if for each interleaved execution acq(m) t=i i=t+1 rel(m) x y z there is a serial execution with same behavior acq(m) t=i i=t+1 rel(m) x y z Atomicity simplifies method specifications informal: /* inc() increments i */ formal: ensures i == \old(i)+1 Atomicity methods are extremely common in existing code Atomicity enables sequential reasoning, simplifying: informal reasoning code inspection testing static analysis model checking formal verification C. Flanagan Atomicity in Multithreaded Software

5 Atomicity in Multithreaded Software
Verifying Atomicity int i; lock m; void inc() { acquire(m); int t = i; i = t+1; release(m); } synchronization specification atomic Atomicity checkers synchronization implementation C. Flanagan Atomicity in Multithreaded Software

6 Experimental results: Atomicity in Java
Most methods are atomic Most code will be transactional, many transactions will be long Protected locks common Nested transactions will be common Client-side locking common Code must work in transactions & non-transactional contexts C. Flanagan Atomicity in Multithreaded Software

7 java.lang.StringBuffer
/** ... String buffers are safe for use by multiple threads. The methods are synchronized so that ... [atomic] */ class StringBuffer { private int count; synchronized int length() { return count; } synchronized void getChars(...) { ... } atomic synchronized void append(StringBuffer sb){ int len = sb.length(); ... sb.getChars(...,len,...); } StringIndexOutOfBoundsException C. Flanagan Atomicity in Multithreaded Software

8 java.lang.StringBuffer
/** ... String buffers are safe for use by multiple threads. The methods are synchronized so that ... [atomic] */ class StringBuffer { private int count; synchronized int length() { return count; } synchronized void getChars(...) { ... } atomic synchronized void append(StringBuffer sb){ synchronized (sb) { int len = sb.length(); ... sb.getChars(...,len,...); } Deadlock C. Flanagan Atomicity in Multithreaded Software

9 Atomicity in Multithreaded Software
Conclusions Current software is already “transactional” (via clumsy, error-prone locking) most code is transactional some transactions are long nested transactions are common Need to support modular software architectures C. Flanagan Atomicity in Multithreaded Software

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